Autosurfing with foreign money withdrawal. Autosurfing is the most insignificant way to make money from clicks

I welcome you to the site, I would like to introduce one of the ways to make money using a computer (laptop, tablet) using the Internet, let's talk about automatic site surfing.

Autosurfingthis is how to make money on the Internet money using a browser or a special program for autosurfing, where all actions occur automatically and do not require monitoring the process. All you need to do is log in to the site, start autosurfing and enjoy receiving money or showing your site.

This type of earnings is the simplest and does not require much effort or any knowledge.

Today you can find many different surfing systems on the Internet. They all differ from each other, but the essence remains the same.

Services autosurfing can be divided into two categories:

  • with payments to

  • no payouts()

As a rule, each such system has its own currency. It may be called loans or something similar. In systems with payments, such currency can then be converted into real money and withdrawn to your electronic wallets.

In free services, as a rule, all earned credits are used to promote their own sites. That is, you look at someone's sites, and then someone looks at your sites. The result is mutual benefit, or also exchange them for money!

Let's take a closer look...

List of services for automatic earnings with money payments:

Autosurfing in the program

register, download the program, launch it and receive income in foreign currency on autopilot, and there is also a program for making money by completing tasks, surfing, and also, it is possible to install an extension for your browser and perform all actions automatically.

autosurf program, you need to register and download the program, launch it and let it earn money fully automatically while your computer is turned on, and you can also earn money on the site by completing tasks and reading letters.

After registration, go to the “surfing” menu and download the “socpublic agent” program, install and surf sites automatically. Automatic withdrawal of money to: WebMoney, Yandex, Payeer, PerfectMoney.

List of services with autosurfing for earning credits to increase traffic to your site, or exchange earned credits for money:

To increase traffic to your site, a lot of settings are provided, such as the time of stay on the site, geoterting, the number of visits per day, and so on... very convenient

Autosurfing in the program

It’s simple, register, download the program, launch it, earn credits from surfing and exchange them for viewing your sites

On the Internet you often meet people who want to earn money without doing anything. So, from here the question immediately arises: is this even real? Many, of course, will say that this only happens in fairy tales, and I myself used to have the same opinion. But, in fact, there is still one option that can help such people get money for themselves from the Internet without much effort. That’s what I’ll tell you about today.

The thing is that it is now quite possible to organize make money on the Internet using programs, and this is not a joke, because... There are quite a lot of programs on the network that allow you to earn money virtually automatically or with minimal user participation. All you need to do is find, download and install them, then launch and start earning money.

As you can see, everything is very simple, and in order not to stumble upon various kinds of fakes that may contain viruses, I advise you to use only reliable programs for making money on the Internet. Where can I get them? You won't have to go far to find them, because... especially for you, I collected it in one place, i.e. in this article, the best and proven programs for making money on the Internet, which do not contain viruses and other evil spirits, therefore you can use them without fear.

Programs for making money on the Internet

Let me immediately note that each program presented below will have its own earning algorithm. Some programs work completely automatically, i.e. you launch the program, after which it begins to independently perform clicks, tasks and other actions and brings you profit. And others will demand the minimum and take part by performing simple actions on the advertiser’s websites or showing social activity: liking, reposting, etc.

Well, let's introduce you to them.

VipIP is the oldest AAS (active advertising system), which offers to earn money using a program and a browser plugin, both manually and fully automatically. All you need is to register in the system, and then in the “Earn money” section go to the “Earning money program” tab, where you can download all the necessary programs for making money and start earning money.

IPweb Surf—available in the program many more sites and tasks for earning money than in the browser (because only using the program allows you to implement the full functionality required by advertisers). The program is available in the “earnings” menu.

Socpublic Agent is a client program from the well-known SOCPUBLIC mailer, which not only simplifies the viewing of surfing on it, but also increases the amount of surfing available for viewing. You can find and download this program by selecting the “Surfing” subsection in the “Earn” menu. There, there will be a link to download the program, and tips on how to install it.

webisida - this service is used not only for earning money, but also for promotion. If earlier this whole thing was carried out directly on the service itself, now it is done through the client program, which greatly simplifies the work. You can download this program in your personal account in the earnings menu.

ipGold Surfer — A program for making money, in which more sites and paid tasks are available than in the browser. Available in the menu: " Earn money (web browsing)".

LikesRock Client

In this article I want to talk about the new service LikesRock, with which you can receive payment in euros for completing simple tasks on the social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, Google+, Instagram.

In order to receive decent pay you need:

1. Register on the LikesRock website.

Fill out your profile completely. If you do not have pages on all of the listed social networks, then I advise you to get one. The more profiles, the more tasks will be available to you, and, therefore, the higher your earnings will be.

3. Be sure to download and install LikesRock Client, you will find the download link in your personal account. With a client, you will have more available tasks, and you will be able to complete them many times faster, and, therefore, receive maximum income.

4. Money can be withdrawn through Payeer payment systems

Autodengi - download the program from the official website, install and wait for your reward. The program runs in the system tray, so there is no distraction, and the longer it is running, the more money you will earn. Use a promotional code for more money

The best sponsors of surfing and Autosurfing

On this page of the site I want to introduce you to the best and proven sponsors of autosurfing.

The principle of operation on the sites proposed here is almost the same.On the site you need to select the “Earn” item in the menu, then the “Autosurfing” option. Launchbrowsing websites and watching how credits are added to your account balance.Some sites have special programs for autosurfing. You only need one such programDownload it from the site once and run it every day. Surfing is endless, the program itself willearn credits. If you temporarily run out of sites to view, try changing your IP -address. With a new IP you will always have more views.Autosurfing on the Internet is the easiest and simplest way to make money. You are not required tomonetary investments and additional actions besides launching Autosurfing.

To register on the sites offered here, simply click on the project name

List of sites for Autosurfing:

Ebesucher - An excellent German site for earning money without investing money by automatically surfing and writing! Registration and interface in Russian. Everything is simple and clear. To surf, you need to download and install the program on the site itself. It will work automatically when you start surfing. Instructions are sent by email. They pay for letters. Enable in the settings so that they are sent to you by email. If you look on the site itself, then you need to make 2 clicks on the letter for it to open.
Withdrawing money to WebMoney and PayPal from 2 euros.

JetSwap- The best site for 24/7 autosurfing. There are practically no end to sites to view. There is a special program for autosurfing that can be downloaded simply from the websiteJetSwap. It can be launched when the computer is turned on. In order for the program to count viewed sites and credit credits, it must not be minimized, but moved to the bottom of the desktop. For this you will also receive an additional 100% refback from me. When the program is not minimized, I see your earnings and credit you with an additional percentage of credits to your earnings. In addition to autosurfing, the site has manual surfing (more credits are paid for it), and other types of earnings. Earned credits can be sold or used for website promotion. - Autosurfing on which you can earn $0.0004 per minute or credits, you can use them to promote your website or sell them on the exchange system. In addition, you can view sites in regular autosurfing, for which you will receive 10 times more money than in autosurfing. You can attract referrals to the site and earn additional income from them. There are plenty of sites for autosurfing, and this will be additional income for you at no cost.

Autosurfing for Bitcoin

AdbtcTop - The first autosurfing site for bitcoins. For each view you pay up to 50 satoshi. There are always a lot of surfing sites. Good referral program 7.5% of the cost of links viewed by your referrals + for each click on your referral link. Automatic withdrawal from 10,000 satoshi directly to your Bitcoin wallet.

Coinsurfer- Excellent autosurfing for automatically earning BTP points, which the system automatically exchanges for Satoshi every day. First you need to register on the site. Interface in English language, you can use a translator. Next, confirm your email and log into your account. To start autosurfing, you need to go to the surfbar tab. After 30 sec. autosurfing will begin. Pays to a blockchain or XAPO wallet. Minimum 0.001 BTC.

Autosurfing for credits

Redsurf - A very good project for autosurfing. You can earn credits using a program that can be downloaded directly from the website. All earned credits can be used to promote your website. On a project, you can increase the levels for which more credits will be protected per view. There is a referral program with which you can significantly increase the number of loans. There is also a bonus program. For example, for 800 views you will be credited with an additional 300 credits, for 6000 - 1000, for 30000 - 3000.

FreeTraf- On this site you can view the sites of visitors, and for this you will receive unique views of your site.For each site viewed (min. 5 seconds) +1 view to your balance. The site also has an interesting referral program. Registration on the project is simple - just enter your email and password.

Popular. This love of network users was achieved due to its simplicity and the fact that no special skills or knowledge are needed. And most importantly, autosurfing makes it possible to make money on the Internet without direct human participation, without investing money and time. Thus, you have the opportunity to earn money automatically. Mechanism making money on autosurfing sites very simple: someone needs visits to the site and someone pays money for it. Money is paid to special Internet resources that organize visits to this site. See the list of these resources (sites for autosurfing) below. Visits to the site are organized through special software - programs for autosurfing. You as willing earn without investment, you register on autosurfing sites, download and install this program, and through it, you actually end up on the advertiser’s website - and get money for it. Everyone is happy: The advertiser received visits, you received your money, and the autosurfing site received a commission for organizing visits. I hope I explained the principle clearly and not too confusingly . If not, you will understand in the process, the main thing is to start.

Autosurfing sites for money

A short list of popular payers autosurfing sites. On these sites you can autosurf for money - for dollars (WMZ) and rubles (WMR), with withdrawal to Webmoney.

1. - Registration and login. Payments in dollars. Standard set of electronic payment systems: Webmoney, Yandex money, QIWI, mobile. There are three types of surfing: in the browser, and after installing the software: automatic and semi-automatic. All three types of earnings are completely different and complement each other.

2. - registration and login It was intended for autosurfing for credits for website promotion, but it is also possible to simply withdraw earned funds. Two types of surfing: web surfing is surfing directly in the browser, and you can install a special program on your computer and surf through it. By the way, you can view much more sites this way than in a browser. In addition, in this project you can earn money just like with a regular mailer: completing tasks, reading paid letters. Earnings in dollars. The project administration constantly holds competitions with good, impressive prizes. Works with payment systems Webmoney, QIWI, Yandex Money. Read more on this page about the Webisid system of active promotion and earnings.

3. - Registration and login d the most popular autosurfing. In principle, I add it to the list of autosurfs for money, although credits are awarded for viewing sites. Loans can be easily and instantly exchanged for WebMoney without delay. It has its pros and cons. Pros: a special program safesurf.exe is installed on your computer and provides constant, round-the-clock browsing of websites for money. In case of any failures, it automatically restarts autosurfing. In the program, you can check a box in the settings - and the program will also start earning bitcoins through calculations on the video card. Jetswap autosurfing is possible legally cheat, and this is not prohibited by the project administration. Cons: on safesurf.exe All antiviruses, without exception, “swear” and DrWeb does not launch at all on the site. For normal operation, you need to add jetswap to your antivirus exclusions. It is possible to surf in a special browser made on the basis of Mozilla - you can download it after registration. -registration and login German autosurfing for money. As on Jetswap, credits are first awarded for viewing, which can also quickly be sold for WebMoney on the klammlose credit exchange. That is, we can consider that Ebesucher is autosurfing for money. Registration is available in Russian, you can figure it out without much difficulty. You need to download and install software on your computer - the Restarter program, which restores autosurfing if any failures occur during the system. Next: login and registration on Ebesucher autosurfing.

Let me briefly summarize: Jetswap and Ebesucher are long-established paying projects and one of their advantages is that they provide round-the-clock, “eternal” autosurfing, which means automatic earnings without investments or human participation. And it is true. If you don't believe me, see for yourself.

5. S urfearner - registration and login . N A good source of passive income in your online earning system. You can’t call Surferner autosurfing; surfing in a browser is more appropriate here. A program is downloaded that installs the extension in your browser. For browsers Mozilla, Google Chrome, Opera Explorer, etc., each has its own extension. Download and install for the browser with which you work on ATS and email clients. Advertising in the form of banners appears automatically. You get paid for impressions. That's all - you don't need to do anything: make money on the machine in its purest form!

6. - registration and login conditionally paid autosurfing. Conditionally - since credits awarded for site views cannot be sold - you can start viewing your own site. But... - has the ability to imitate the actions of a real user on the site, in particular following advertising links. And if you place links from various advertising exchanges on your website, then he will follow them, and you will earn a profit.

German mail and click sponsors with autosurfing for money.

Autosurfing sites for credits

There are autosurfs where credits are awarded for viewing sites and cannot be exchanged for money. Credits can only be used to trigger views on your own site. This type of autosurfing will be relevant for Webmasters - website owners who want to promote their resource for free. For those who do not have a website, you can “throw” into autosurfing some of your referral links from sites for making money. The result is minimal, but a few referrals are joining.)). I’ll highlight two of the best:

7. registration and login .

8. registration and login .

In both cases, it is possible to set up traffic to your site so that the counters will count them as transitions from real users, both from any search engines and from any other resources at your request. Whether this is beneficial or not is a rhetorical question. Of course, leading search engines are actively fighting against cheating, but they cannot completely prevent it yet. Sometimes, it makes sense to experiment and tweak things))). - again, conditionally free autosurfing improves the site’s Alexa rank well.

How much can you earn from autosurfing?

I repeat again: making money on autosurfing sites- this is earnings on the Internet without investments. Well done whoever came up with this. You can earn money, but how much is a completely different question? We simultaneously launch several different autosurfs: Jetswap, Ebesucher, German, etc. and Jetswap on one computer can be launched as many times as your hardware can handle, until it starts to slow down. And if you add an additional extension for viewing advertisements to the browser that you use to make money with Ebesucher, your earnings will increase significantly. It’s quite possible to earn 5 dollars a day. Good help, especially if you are still working for on completing tasks or clicking. Better yet, create your own website (this can be done for free) and make money from the autosurf affiliate program and advertising. And how much you can earn in this case is a matter of your perseverance and desire. Average, You can earn from 100-150 dollars per month by autosurfing sites.

Brief conclusion: autosurfing sites is a separate segment of its own system of earning money on the Internet, allowing anyone who wants to achieve financial independence and freedom.

This program scans sites automatically, for views of which money is credited to your account, money is withdrawn to WebMoney, the minimum wage is 15 rubles, withdrawals are made on Mondays.

To download the program, register on the project, after which you will be provided with a link to download the program in your account. Promo code for registration: 56

Program for making money by viewing advertisements "SocPulic Agent"

Program for automatic website promotion in autosurfing

The program scans sites automatically and earns you credits, with these credits you promote your sites, you can also make YouTube videos and rise in the ranking by views.

Download the program for automatic website and video promotion

Program for cheating links, pictures, automatic surfing.

A program for automatic surfing, website promotion, getting clicks on the program, the program can generate links and images such as teasers and banners.