Bank of Thailand exchange rates. Bangkok Bank Thailand

The Thai baht to ruble exchange rate for today can be found in the online calculator. Enter the amount to exchange and find out the amount in baht that you will receive for Russian rubles.

Currency Converter

All travelers who are thinking about visiting Thailand, no matter whether it is Pattaya or Phuket, are trying to understand what is more profitable to bring to Thailand in 2019 - dollars or rubles. I’ll answer in advance - the formulation of the question is not entirely correct, you need to start from the question in advance: what money do you have?

Previously, in 2008-2012, importing the ruble was not profitable at all. The fact is that previously rubles were exchanged for Thai baht through the dollar, so the conversion took about 1.5% and it was unprofitable to carry rubles. In 2012, the first banks appeared in Pattaya that directly exchanged the ruble - baht.

List of Thai banks and their ruble to baht exchange rates online:

Services for clarifying the exchange rate of the Thai currency to the ruble:

History of the ruble to baht exchange rate for the last 30 days

Favorable exchangers in Pattaya

As a rule, the most profitable exchangers are the yellow Siam Bank and blue TMB. It’s even more profitable to change only
some guides or black money traders, who also exist in Pattaya. Let me remind you that to perform such currency transactions except
I don’t recommend using an exchanger; this will result in more than one year in Thai prison.
When purchasing, pay attention to the inscription “Corrency Exchange” in the exchanger if you do not want to overpay.

Thai baht to ruble exchange rate in Pattaya
Russian rubles are at the very bottom, scroll the page.

Favorable exchangers in Phuket

The best exchange rate for rubles to baht is at Central Festival. Another option is next to BaumanCasa on Karon.
Near Ocean Plaza (yellow building) in the southern part of Patong, to the left and right of the entrance there are two currency exchange points with excellent rates.

It is important to add that from time to time the course gets very bad. This happens about once every two weeks. In this way, exchangers earn extra money from tourists. There is a version that they deliberately stimulate demand in this way.
In addition, when the ruble falls against the dollar, it becomes absolutely unprofitable to carry the ruble to Thailand, since the exchange rate rises to 3%.

What kind of money should I bring to Thailand: rubles or dollars or euros?

Carrying euros is not always profitable. The rate is very unstable, I advise you to check the rate at a specific moment so as not to make a mistake.

Dollars are always respected and can be exchanged for Thai baht. But if you buy these dollars at home and change them back to baht in Thailand, it’s better to take rubles and change them at the exchange offices listed above. Disadvantages – you will have to travel around and look for the optimal and most favorable exchange rate for the ruble to Thai baht.

The most profitable thing is the dollar, provided that you did not buy it in Russia, but, for example, earned it or had a stash. Please note that you should not take bills less than $50, as they may not be accepted or converted at a lower rate.

Should I take dengue or hryvnia to Thailand?

Do not take it under any circumstances. The exchange rate for dengue and hryvnia is simply extortionate: on average, this is no less than 10-15% of losses, and not every exchange office will accept them. For citizens of Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan, take only dollars.

Below you can see the current dollar to baht exchange rate in Pattaya and Phuket for today. If you want to know the dollar to baht exchange rate, use the calculator below and enter your amount (for example 1 dollar, 10 USD, 100 USD). The course is updated every hour. We recommend bookmarking this page to monitor the current dollar exchange rate at exchange offices. Data source: Yahoo Finance.

US dollar to Thai baht (THB) exchange rate calculator

If you have just arrived at Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport, I do not recommend changing all your dollars to baht. This is not the best exchange rate. Therefore, change exactly as much money as you need to get to Pattaya or Phuket.
I recommend changing at Siam bank:

You can see their exchange rate online on their website:
You may note that in Thailand the exchange rate depends on the denomination of cash dollars. For banknotes of 50-100 dollars they give more than for 20 dollars. Five or one dollar is taken reluctantly or at a reduced rate. This situation is everywhere, so we recommend taking a large denomination if you want a good rate.
Also in Thailand they are very reluctant to accept crumpled bills, as well as money that has different marks on it.

Exchange rate dynamics of 1 baht to 1 USD (US dollar) for 1 month

You can clearly see how the baht is falling against the dollar. In 2016, the baht fell from 33 baht per dollar to almost 35 baht. The currency is constantly strengthening against the baht. There are several reasons - Thailand itself often weakens its currency by participating in currency wars. The United States has repeatedly issued notes of protest on this matter.

Dollar to baht exchange rate in Pattaya exchange offices

Where is it profitable to change cash dollars in Pattaya? The most ideal option is to exchange in yellow T.T. CURRENCY EXCHANGE. They look like this:

Siam Bank also has a good rate; exchange offices in Pattaya look like this:

There are a lot of these exchangers on Beach Street (in the Central Festival, Pattaya Shopping Mall), Walking Street (on the left side), and there are them on Second Street.

The best exchangers in Phuket to exchange dollars for baht

Before specifying specific exchangers, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you only need to exchange money in Phuket at exchangers that have signs saying Currency Exchange.

If there are no instructions or the inscription Currency Exchange on the sign, then the exchanger, in addition to the indicated rate, also takes its own commission for the payment. In some cases, this can be either a fixed amount or a percentage of the exchange.
There are no problems with exchanging dollars in Phuket.
If you have money on a dollar card and the amount is more than $300, watch this video, where the author talks about a free profitable exchange

If you have cash, then several options:
    • Currency exchanger in Patong.

In the southern part of Patong, to the left and right of the entrance to Ocean Plaza (yellow building) there are two currency exchange points with an excellent rate.

Here is the place on the map:

It is profitable to change at the following banks:

  • Singapore UOB

  • Next in the rating is TMB bank

  • Kasikorn Bank closes the rating

I would also like to clarify that most of these exchangers in Phuket are not 24-hour, but work from 8 am to 10 pm. Other exchangers operate at night, but the dollar exchange rate there is much worse. Also, hotels often exchange dollars at a very unfavorable rate. Don’t rush to change money, go out into the street and look for profitable exchangers by color.

About fraud in exchange offices in Pattaya and Phuket

What I will write about happens rarely and usually in private exchangers. The chance of running into such blatant deception in a bank exchanger is minimal. However, it is better to be warned.
The most common exchange scams:
1) When transferring money, the operator “drops” one of the bills at his feet and gives you a smaller amount. As you understand, it is difficult to prove the fact of such fraud.
Therefore, a recommendation: do not give dollars in bundles. Give us one 100 dollar bill at a time and count it together with the operator.
A similar scam was noticed in Phuket at Tesco Lotus near the Festival shopping center (Central Festival Phuket).
2) “Wringing” bills. Divorce is as old as time, there is nothing to describe.
3) Incorrect amount issued. Often tourists do not recalculate the amount given in baht and money changers take advantage of this. How not to make a mistake? Just turn on the calculator on your phone and recalculate how much it should be, then recalculate the received amount without leaving the cash register.

Baht exchange rateupdated every hour.

On the website you can find out the latest information every day about the exchange rate of the baht (THB) in Thai banks today, choose best buying rate for baht or best baht selling rate. The portal provides monitoring of exchange rates of all major banks in Thailand with the latest information on the US dollar (USD) and euro (EUR) exchange rates, which are currently the most popular currencies in the world.

Banks offer the service of buying and selling baht in accordance with their individual rates. Using the site, you will always find out which bank you can use to make the most profitable currency exchange.

The table of exchange rates shows dollar (USD) and euro (EUR) to baht (THB) exchange rates in denominations of 50-100 dollars and 50-100 euros.

The Kingdom of Thailand has recently gained unprecedented popularity among Russian tourists. And this is easily explained by the country’s hospitality and favorable climate for recreation, many attractions and a very attractive infrastructure of resort cities.

Due to the fact that the majority of Thai shops, hotels and other enterprises accept only national currency for payment, the question is relevant for many Russian tourists and residents of the kingdom: Where is the best place to exchange rubles (RUB) for baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB) And what is the baht exchange rate in banks in Thailand today?
Exchange rubles (RUB) to baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB) You can either at the airport or at any bank or exchange office in Thailand located in its cities and resort areas. However, given the fact that foreign exchange prices at the airport exchange offices are slightly higher than in the city, you should not immediately change all the cash on hand immediately after arrival at the first exchange office you come across.

Those who prefer to use plastic cards should remember that in Thailand, transactions with them are not very profitable because:

Before using a card in another country, you must notify your bank about this;
- most ATMs dispense no more than 10,000 baht;
- the commission when withdrawing or paying by card is very significant - up to 180 baht per transaction, plus a conversion fee and interest on cash withdrawals.

Therefore, it is better to cash out and change dollars (USD) to baht (THB) or euro (EUR) to baht (THB) in one transaction and at an ATM with the most favorable conditions and the maximum amount of one-time withdrawal.

In Bangkok and other cities of Thailand there are a sufficient number of exchange offices and banks where you can change rubles (RUB) to baht (THB) or dollars (USD) to baht (THB). Baht exchange rate in Thai banks although not significantly, it still differs (on average, the difference in prices of exchangers in Thailand varies within 10%.), therefore, in order to save money, it is more prudent to compare before exchanging baht rates for today and find exchangers with the best offer. To do this, it is not at all necessary to visit each exchange office yourself; it is enough to use the services of the official website of Thailand. Here every Russian tourist or resident of Thailand will find a huge amount of useful information, including the ability to compare prices in Thai exchange offices and find out where is the best place to exchange dollars (USD) or euros (EUR) for baht (THB), always get up to date baht exchange rate today.

Data about baht exchange rates on the portal are updated every hour, which is very important due to constant changes in the global stock market. Here you will find the most up-to-date and reliable information about exchange rate for today's baht and prices in exchange offices, which is necessary for every Russian who decides to visit this wonderful country.

Exchange dollars to baht in Pattaya - no problem. The same applies to exchanging euros for Thai baht. They are accepted in absolutely all exchange offices in Pattaya and The exchange rate of the euro and dollar to the Thai baht is quite favorable, market. But the exchange rate of the baht to the dollar and euro is not the same everywhere. Today we are talking about how to find the most favorable exchange rate of the Thai baht to the dollar and euro in Pattaya.

If you bring large bills to Thailand, then the dollar to baht exchange rate will be more favorable. What exactly - read below)))

The dollar, like the euro, is a freely convertible currency, and the dollar to baht exchange rate in Thailand is approximately the same in all exchange offices. But only approximately. If you are going to Pattaya and have not yet decided which currency to take to Thailand, then our advice is to read this article:

But if you have already made up your mind and will be bringing dollars with you, then . If you change them to local currency, then The dollar to Thai baht exchange rate will be the most favorable. If you are interested in the euro to Thai baht exchange rate, then it does not depend in any way on the denomination of the bill. At least in most exchange offices in Pattaya.

But that is not all. The fact is that different banks and different exchange offices in Pattaya and other cities of Thailand have their own exchange rate for the Thai baht to the dollar and euro.

How to find the best dollar exchange rate in Pattaya (with the euro exchange rate the algorithm is the same)?

Tip #1: go outside, go around the first five exchangers you come across and return to the one where the dollar to baht exchange rate is the most favorable today. It may sound a little naive, but many people do this when exchanging dollars for Thai baht. And we included.

Tip #2: to know, Which bank has the best exchange rate for the Thai baht to the dollar today?. Most likely, he will remain like this tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. In Pattaya, Phuket, Samui and other resorts in Thailand, bank branches are found at almost every turn (what else can be seen in Pattaya at every turn). So if you know Which bank has the best Thai baht to dollar rate?, then you won’t have to return to the same exchanger. If you need to exchange dollars for baht far from a familiar exchange office, just look for another exchange office of the same bank. If you don’t find it, see tip #1.

And to make the task easier for you, dear readers of our site, I myself used these tips. Got on a motorcycle and toured the branches of the most popular banks in Pattaya in search of the best exchange rate for the dollar and euro to the Thai baht. Let's take this walk around Pattaya together and rank the banks of Thailand depending on the exchange rate of the dollar and euro to the Thai baht! I apologize in advance for the quality of the photos: bank branches in Pattaya put up displays with exchange rates behind two or three glasses, and when taking pictures you have to somehow bypass two or three cordons of glare and reflections)) But for us, the main thing is not the photos, but Thai baht to euro and dollar exchange rate today. And the photographs are proof of what is in front of you real exchange rate in Pattaya, and not invented by me)))

Exchange rate of the Thai baht to the dollar and euro for today in Pattaya banks

Dear friends! The exchange rate of the Thai baht to the dollar and euro changes all the time. That's why I am constantly updating the information in this article. So do not pay attention to the rate indicated in the photo: this was the ratio at the time of shooting. And the most The current exchange rate of the euro and dollar to the Thai baht in Thai banks is indicated in the text of the article, under the photographs .

With your permission, I will rank banks depending on the rate of $100 bills. So, in 5th place – Kasikorn Bank:

Pattaya, dollar to baht exchange rate for today in Kasikorn bank.

Kasikorn Bank

Bills of 1-2 dollars – 29.60 baht per 1 dollar

33.79 baht for 1 euro

In 4th place – Bangkok Bank. The dollar to Thai baht exchange rate in this bank is slightly less:

Currency exchange in Pattaya: exchange rate of the baht to the dollar and euro for today at Bangkok Bank.

Bangkok Bank
Dollar to Thai baht exchange rate for today, August 7, 2019:
Bills of 1-2 dollars – 29.62 baht per 1 dollar
$5-$20 bills – 29.97 baht per $1
Bills of 50-100 dollars – 30.37 baht per 1 dollar
Euro to Thai baht exchange rate for today: 33.91 baht for 1 euro

3rd place in our current ranking it ranks Krungsri Bank. At the time of filming, they gave the same amount for a $100 bill as at Bangkok Bank, so we had to determine the winner based on additional parameters - the dollar to Thai baht exchange rate for bills of lower denominations. This often happens in sports - just remember the recent English football championship, when two teams scored the same number of points, but Manchester City became the champion thanks to the best goal difference))

Exchange rates in Pattaya- dollar to baht at Krungsri Bank.

Krungsri Bank
Dollar to Thai baht exchange rate for today, August 7, 2019:
Bills of 1-2 dollars – 29.70 baht per 1 dollar
Bills of 5-20 dollars – 30.10 baht per 1 dollar
Bills of 50-100 dollars – 30.42 baht per 1 dollar
Euro to Thai baht exchange rate for today: 33.97 baht for 1 euro

Honorary second place ranks among banks in Pattaya Siam Commercial Bank. The Thai baht to dollar exchange rate today at this bank is 30.38:

Dollar to baht in Thailand: exchange rate at Siam Commercial Bank (SCB).

Siam Commercial Bank (SCB)
Dollar to Thai baht exchange rate for today, August 7, 2019:
Bills of 1-2 dollars – 29.54 baht per 1 dollar
$5-$20 bills – 29.90 baht per $1
Bills of 50-100 dollars – 30.38 baht per 1 dollar
Euro to Thai baht exchange rate for today: 33.86 baht for 1 euro

AND winner our today's unofficial competition of Pattaya banks - Thai Military Bank or simply TMB. Despite the formidable name (Thai Military Bank translates as “Thai Military Bank”), it is in it that best dollar to baht exchange rate for today. By the way, there is also the most favorable euro to thai baht exchange rate among all popular banks in Pattaya:

Thai baht to dollar today: exchange rate at TMB bank.

TMB Bank
Dollar to Thai baht exchange rate for today, August 7, 2019:
1-2 dollar bills – 29.80 baht per 1 dollar
Bills of 5-20 dollars – 30.18 baht per 1 dollar
Bills of 50-100 dollars – 30.52 baht per 1 dollar
Euro to Thai baht exchange rate for today: 33.96 baht for 1 euro

But don't forget, friends, that In addition to banks, there are many exchangers in Pattaya where you can profitably exchange dollars for Thai baht. Moreover, in some of them the exchange rate of the Thai baht to the dollar and euro is even higher than in banks. Therefore, the main goal of our article today is not even to determine the bank where the best currency is in Pattaya today. And to show that dollars and euros in Thailand can be easily exchanged for Thai baht and the rate at different exchangers does not differ much. It's not a ruble.

By the way, about rubles. If you are going on vacation in Pattaya, then you may well take Russian currency with you! Just remember that in most exchange offices in Pattaya the Thai baht to ruble exchange rate is simply extortionate. This primarily concerns banks. But if you search a little, you can find exchange offices on the streets of Pattaya where you can very profitably exchange rubles for Thai baht. And I found them)) Addresses of exchangers in Pattaya with a favorable exchange rate of the Thai baht to the ruble

Bangkok Bank maintains its first position among commercial banks in Thailand, and in recent years has become seventh in Southeast Asia. Its head office is located in the capital.

The institution was founded in 1949 to finance public and private projects. Currently, it works with the largest Thai and foreign corporations, provides all types of business and investment services, and trades in major types of currencies.


According to the Central Bank of Thailand, Bangkok Bank's assets amount to more than $67 billion. Its exceptional importance for the country's economy is marked by a Royal Warrant - a sign of special privilege.

Bangkok Bank Network

There are about 1,000 bank branches in Thailand. In addition, BBL is represented in 13 countries around the world. It has an extensive network in the Asian region, as well as representative offices in the USA, Great Britain, subsidiaries and branches in Malaysia, China, Laos, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Customer service is well developed in all provinces of the country, even on distant islands. Mobile banking is available. Branches, exchange offices and ATMs are distinguished by their signature blue color.

Bangkok Bank ATMs have a high limit on cash withdrawals - 25,000 baht are available at a time (at ATMs of other banks - 20,000 baht). Amounts of 30,000 b. will be issued at the department upon presentation of your passport.