How to take out a loan secured by commercial real estate for legal entities or individuals - an overview of bank offers. Registration of a mortgage for legal entities Loan for individual entrepreneurs for the purchase of commercial real estate

Many people associate the term “mortgage” exclusively with the purchase of apartments or country houses.

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Meanwhile, real estate collateral, the mortgage itself, is used by entrepreneurs to secure their obligations to the bank no less often.

This method is provided for by civil law and is regulated:

  • Articles 334-356 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • provisions of federal laws and “On state registration of rights to real estate”.

Bank offers

Many banks offer to obtain a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate or other property.

Legal entities of the Western world have been taking advantage of this opportunity to expand their business for a long time.

In Russia, loans such as mortgages for legal entities are not yet widely popular. But there is reason to believe that the picture will change.


Commercial mortgages have short terms. If we compare it with loans for the purchase of an apartment, we can note that for citizens the maximum term is up to 30 years, but for entrepreneurs it does not exceed 10, or even 5.

Accordingly, the size of the monthly payment is different - it is higher than for citizen borrowers.

The similarity of a commercial mortgage with a similar loan for the purchase of a home is the obligation:

  • it usually ranges from 10 to 30%, depending on the bank’s offer;
  • This is the security that the bank receives in addition to the mortgaged real estate.

As for the subject of the pledge, it can be either the premises for the purchase of which funds are used, or any other property owned by a legal entity.

Just like an apartment, it will have to be assessed.

The pledge is formalized by an appropriate agreement and is subject to mandatory state registration (based on ).

Interest rates

– this is a fee for the opportunity to receive and use bank funds.

For it is higher than for a housing loan for individuals:

  • for citizens the rate is 11.5-13%;
  • for entrepreneurs – 14-15%.

On the one hand, this is a rather high price for using borrowed funds. But, on the other hand, the loan term is much shorter, therefore, the overpayment will be small.

The interest rate in each specific case is calculated individually.

It will depend on many factors:

  • term;
  • the amount of the down payment;
  • degree of reliability of the legal entity, etc.


Perhaps the main reason for the low demand for mortgage loans among legal entities is the excessively high requirements for the borrower.

For example:

  • work period of at least one year;
  • permanent stable income that does not depend on seasonality;
  • the company is not engaged in the production of alcohol or tobacco products;
  • the legal entity does not pollute the environment with emissions into water, soil or atmosphere.

Mortgage for legal entities

Most often, a mortgage loan for commercial real estate occurs according to the usual scheme for many:

  1. A purchase and sale agreement is concluded, under which the seller receives a bank guarantee to deposit the necessary funds.
  2. After registering ownership and transferring the premises as collateral, money is transferred to the seller.
  3. The seller can receive part of the funds from the buyer directly. In this case, the loan is issued only for part of the cost.

No down payment

Most offers require payment by the borrower. This is a kind of guarantee of the transaction against which the loan is issued.

In addition, this is additional security for the borrower to fulfill his obligations to the bank.

The size of the down payment affects the interest rate. The larger part of the cost of the premises is paid initially, the less interest the bank will calculate.

But not always an entrepreneur, especially a beginner, has the funds to pay a third of the cost of real estate at once.

In this case, the solution would be to obtain a loan with a zero down payment.

In order for the bank to agree to such a loan, you can offer it existing real estate as collateral in addition to the one you are planning to buy.

But you should immediately expect that the interest rate will be significantly higher than the average.

In Sberbank

Sberbank offers the Business Real Estate product.

Terms of provision:

  • period from 1 month to 10 years;
  • interest rate from 14.75%;
  • amount from 0.5 to 600 million;
  • down payment from 25%.

There are benefits for agricultural producers: 20% down payment and 150,000 thousand minimum loan amount.

Mortgages for legal entities from Sberbank are perhaps one of the most profitable.

VTB 24

Business Mortgage from VTB 24 allows you to receive from 4 million rubles:

  • the period does not exceed 10 years;
  • The interest rate is calculated individually;
  • down payment 15-20%.

Below is a summary table with bank conditions for mortgages for legal entities:

Advantages and disadvantages

Despite the high interest rate, a mortgage loan for legal entities is cheaper than for citizens due to the shorter term. That is, the overpayment will not be so large.

In addition, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to rent out the purchased premises and speed up debt repayment.

The second advantage is the ability to defer payment of the principal. Various banks are ready to provide such “vacations” for a period of 6 months to a year.

But you should not think that all this time the bank will not receive a penny. At this time, interest on the loan is repaid.

Among the shortcomings, perhaps, one can name one, but a very significant one. These are overly strict requirements for the borrower.

You can understand that the bank wants to have a guarantee of repayment of the loan issued. But for many entrepreneurs, such a high bar prevents them from using a banking product to expand and develop their business.

Registration procedure

A common feature of mortgages for citizens and legal entities is its rather complex registration:

  • you will need to collect and submit to the bank many different documents relating to both the borrower and the property purchased on credit;
  • The result of consideration of the application does not necessarily result in its approval.

But if the answer is positive, you will have to go through two mandatory stages:

  • assessment of premises and registration of rights;
  • property insurance.


  • application form;
  • constituent documents and certificate of registration of a legal entity;
  • financial and business documents.

State registration fee

You will have to apply for registration of rights to Rosreestr twice:

  1. First, the buyer registers his right to the purchased premises; this is the right of ownership.
  2. Then the pledge (mortgage) agreement is registered.

If banks offer residential mortgages to private clients, financial institutions satisfy the demand of legal entities with the opportunity to obtain a secured loan for the purchase of commercial space.

Commercial mortgages for legal entities are issued for the purchase of retail, office and warehouse premises, as well as plots of land.

Features of a commercial mortgage

If a regular mortgage is issued to an individual for a term of up to 30 years, a commercial real estate mortgage regulates significantly less Loan terms – from 5 to 10 years maximum.

Interest rates on loans for legal entities are slightly higher, starting at 13.5-14% and can reach up to 19.5%. The down payment does not differ from that regulated by the terms of a residential mortgage and ranges from 10 to 30%. Some banks practice issuing loans without a down payment.

As for the duration of the process, small and medium-sized businesses also face long processes of reviewing the application, checking documents and obtaining a loan, subject to a positive decision from the bank.

Advantages of a commercial mortgage for the borrower

The main advantage of a commercial mortgage for the borrower consists of acquiring your own premises for running a business in a short time. Having a personal office, store, warehouse or production facility makes an entrepreneur independent of rising prices for renting commercial space. Of course, a legal entity will pay a certain amount of money to the bank every month, but this payment will be for personal real estate, not rented one.

What advantages of a commercial mortgage do banks offer clients? Sberbank, for example, guarantees the following conditions for 2019:

  • Financing not only secured by new real estate, but also by existing real estate.
  • Extended mortgage terms up to 120 months.
  • Taking into account the specialization of the client’s economic activity at the time of making a decision to issue a loan.
  • Possibility of repaying existing debt on loans from other banks and leasing companies.
  • Possibility of purchasing objects under construction from developers accredited by Sberbank.
  • No fees for issuing loans and early repayment of mortgages.

Bank VTB 24 offers the Business Mortgage lending program with its main advantages:

  • Loan term up to 10 years.
  • Possibility of lending without making an advance, subject to additional collateral.
  • Deferment of principal repayment for up to 6 months.

Advantages of a mortgage loan for legal entities in Rosbank:

  • Deferment of principal repayment for up to six months.
  • No commission for early repayment.
  • Issuing mortgages on a wide range of real estate properties for business development.

Features of the commercial real estate market

Today, commercial mortgages are only at the development stage, primarily due to the fact that Russian legislation regulates residential mortgages and lending to legal entities for the purchase of commercial real estate with significant differences. In the case of a home purchase, the purchase and sale agreement is drawn up simultaneously with the mortgage and mortgage agreements.

Purchasing commercial real estate is more complicated. A lien encumbrance on a real estate cannot be imposed immediately; the contract is drawn up only after the transfer of ownership to the buyer. This period of time is a risk zone for the bank; in order not to lose their money, credit institutions use various schemes.

In addition, commercial real estate is much more difficult to evaluate compared to a residential apartment or private house. Housing lending is developed at the proper level, banks divide all objects into liquid and illiquid, liquidity criteria - technical characteristics of the premises, location, and so on. The liquidity assessment of commercial space is considered individually.

With office and retail premises, the situation is extremely clear - the cost of the object directly depends on the location, distance from the city center, traffic, nearby strategic points, and so on. But how to evaluate warehouse and production premises - determining the liquidity of such areas is much more difficult.

When choosing commercial real estate, you should calculate its liquidity as much as possible, this will increase the chances of a positive decision by the bank. A financial institution will be quicker to issue a large mortgage for the purchase of a target premises in a strategic center than to issue a small amount for the purchase of a retail space located in a location inconvenient for buyers.

Requirements for the borrower and necessary documents

A loan in the form of a commercial mortgage is issued under certain conditions, in addition, the borrower must meet the requirements of the bank. The main criteria that the client must meet:

  • The borrower's company is a resident of the Russian Federation.
  • The company's annual revenue does not exceed 400 million rubles.
  • The minimum age of the borrower is 21 years, the maximum age is 70 years at the end of the loan (age restrictions apply to individual entrepreneurs).
  • The duration of the company's activities is at least six months for all types of work, except seasonal ones, and at least twelve months for seasonal types of activities.

Package of documents for obtaining a mortgage for commercial real estate:

  • Application for a loan.
  • Questionnaire.
  • Constituent documents, as well as registration documents of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Documents on economic activities.
  • Financial statements.

A complete and accurate list of required documents should be found in the branches of a particular bank; conditions may vary from bank to bank.

Procedure and schemes for obtaining a loan

Commercial mortgages do not have reliable legislative regulation and carry certain risks for banking organizations. To minimize these risks, banks use various schemes for issuing mortgage loans for legal entities, which, by the way, carries certain disadvantages for the borrower. There are three main schemes for processing and issuing a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate.

Registration of a mortgage according to scheme No. 1

This is the longest, but most transparent procedure for issuing a loan, the stages of the scheme:

  1. The seller and buyer enter into a purchase and sale agreement.
  2. The buyer pays the seller an initial payment from his own finances, the bank, in turn, guarantees the receipt of the remaining money into the seller’s account after registration of the pledge.
  3. The buyer registers ownership rights to the real estate
  4. The buyer and the bank draw up a mortgage agreement for the purchased property.
  5. The bank transfers the mortgage money to the seller's account.

Registration of a mortgage according to scheme No. 2

The second scheme includes the following stages of the transaction:

  1. The buyer pays the seller an initial payment from his own funds, the bank provides the seller with a guarantee to receive the remaining amount after registration of the pledge.
  2. The property is pledged to a credit institution.
  3. The change of ownership of the property is registered and a purchase and sale agreement is drawn up.
  4. The bank transfers the remaining money to the seller.

Applying for a loan according to scheme No. 3

The third scheme differs significantly from the first two and consists of the following stages:

  1. A legal entity is registered and the property is transferred to its ownership.
  2. The buyer purchases the ownership rights of this legal entity using loan funds provided by the bank.
  3. After repaying the loan, the buyer has the right to re-register the real estate in his name or leave everything as is.

Before proceeding with the actual execution of a mortgage and related agreements, banks carefully check the legal purity of the borrower’s business, as well as the property.

Also, bank employees can offer the borrower representation of his interests in registration services, thus, a representative of the credit institution takes care of all the paperwork, which allows the borrower to save time, get rid of the need to run through various services, and also reduces the risks of monitoring all stages of the process.

Commercial mortgage with no down payment

A commercial mortgage without a down payment is a tempting offer at first glance, but is it really so beneficial for the borrower? Some banks offer their clients a similar condition, explaining that the property being purchased will already be pledged.

A commercial mortgage without a down payment can be issued when the property being purchased is assessed as having the highest liquidity category. In this case, the real estate itself acts as a kind of insurance and covers the bank’s risks, provided that the borrower is unable to repay the mortgage loan. However, it should be understood that this is only one of the options.

In most cases, if the bank makes concessions to the borrower and offers lending without a down payment, this means that the advance amount is replaced by providing the bank with additional collateral. The client will be required to issue a pledge agreement for transport owned by a legal entity or other real estate.

Another option for additional conditions for issuing a commercial loan without making a down payment is shortening the mortgage payment period, for example, if a mortgage for legal entities can be issued for a period of up to 10 years, in the absence of an advance, the bank reduces the mortgage repayment period by a third.

Commercial mortgage for individual entrepreneurs

A commercial mortgage for individual entrepreneurs can be issued if the individual entrepreneur meets the bank’s requirements; in particular, credit organizations refuse to issue mortgages to persons who conduct business activities under a simplified taxation scheme. In this case, the bank cannot assess the client’s real income and solvency, so it makes a negative decision.

If the borrower meets the bank’s requirements, the bank issues a mortgage loan, regulating the process as working with individuals. In fact, the registration process is no different from issuing a commercial mortgage to legal entities.

Commercial mortgages give legal entities and individual entrepreneurs a chance to purchase real estate for doing business in a short time. Although the terms of a loan for commercial purposes are less attractive compared to a residential mortgage, given the high income of the borrower, the option is optimal.

Video: Nuances of commercial mortgages

Buy a warehouse, office or retail space and, instead of paying rent for someone else’s property, spend money on repaying a loan secured by your own - this opportunity is provided by a commercial mortgage. On what terms do banks offer it and how to get a loan?

Features of a commercial mortgage

The market for mortgage loans for businesses in Russia is poorly developed, but whether it is possible to take out a mortgage for commercial real estate in principle is a settled question. The credit products of large banks already include loans secured by office, retail, restaurant, warehouse and other non-residential premises to companies and individual entrepreneurs.

Today, businesses have access to both mortgages for commercial real estate they own and for purchased ones.

Commercial mortgages differ from residential mortgages in important ways:

  • higher loan rates - from 11.8% at Sberbank versus 9% and lower (under certain conditions) for residential mortgages;
  • much shorter loan terms - no more than 10 years versus 25-30 years;
  • longer processing times for applications.

Often, having received from the loan applicant the required package of documents confirming the solvency of the business entity, the lender sends a representative to the individual entrepreneur or company to check how the borrower is doing.

Another feature of commercial mortgages is that banks more often refuse loans, since the liquidity of the property offered as collateral is often lower than, for example, that of an apartment. Especially if you apply for a loan secured by production or storage space.

What do banks offer today?


The largest lender in the Russian Federation, Sberbank, provides a mortgage loan for individual entrepreneurs and small enterprises “Business Real Estate”, which, if an existing real estate property is pledged, can be used not only to purchase another premises, but also to pay off debt on loans taken from other banks or leasing companies .

Sberbank agrees to provide loans for the purchase of both finished and under construction real estate from developers from the list of accredited ones.

Loan terms:

  • minimum rate – 11.8%;
  • minimum amount – 150 thousand rubles. for small agribusiness, 500 thousand rubles. for all other clients;
  • maximum amount – up to 600 million rubles. for cities listed on the lender’s website, up to 200 million rubles. for everyone else;
  • maximum term – 10 years;
  • down payment - when borrowing against existing real estate, no down payment is required; for purchased real estate - at least 20% for agribusiness, 25% for others;
  • There is no commission for issuing a loan.

Sberbank accepts sureties and guarantees from legal entities and individuals as additional collateral, which is especially useful for individual entrepreneurs, many of whom find it difficult to convince creditors of their solvency.

VTB 24

VTB 24 is implementing the Business Mortgage program for the acquisition of commercial real estate for any purpose.

Loan parameters:

  • rate – from 13.5%;
  • amount – at least 10 million rubles;
  • term – up to 10 years;
  • down payment – ​​from 15%.

If there is additional collateral, no advance or down payment is required.

VTB Bank of Moscow

Another banking organization of the VTB Group provides loans for the purchase of not only premises, but also land plots for use for commercial purposes.

Business mortgages are available under the following conditions:

  • rate – not indicated in the loan description on the bank’s website, determined individually;
  • amount – up to 150 million rubles;
  • term – up to 7 years.

VTB Bank of Moscow offers business borrowers attractive additional opportunities:

  1. Take out a mortgage on a residential property with its subsequent transfer to commercial status.
  2. Obtain borrowed funds in a lump sum payment or in the form of a line of credit.
  3. Replace down payment:
  • additional collateral;
  • making a security deposit;
  • pledge of a bank bill;
  • guaranteed by the guarantee fund.
  • Rosselkhozbank

    A bank with 100% state participation provides commercial mortgages according to the following parameters:

    • rate – individual;
    • amount – from 0.5 million to 20 million rubles;
    • term – up to 10 years;
    • down payment is optional, but its absence increases the rate;
    • commission for issuing a loan - charged from legal entities according to the bank’s tariffs;
    • Loan repayment is possible in differentiated payments, incl. according to an individual schedule.

    Rosselkhozbank provides for the possibility for the borrower to receive additional loan funds for repairs of the purchased property.

    It, like VTB Bank of Moscow, gives a choice between a lump sum payment of borrowed money and a line of credit.

    As additional security, the lender accepts not only guarantees, but also vehicles, equipment, and even inventory items.

    Due to its focus, Rosselkhozbank is loyal to representatives of agribusiness - agricultural enterprises and farmers.

    Absolut Bank

    JSCB "Absolut Bank" promises those wishing to take out a mortgage for commercial real estate a quick decision on the application, support of a personal manager from submitting the application to closing the loan agreement, the optimal solution to difficult situations that arise in the process of repaying the loan.

    Suggested business mortgage options:

    • rate – from 17.45%;
    • loan amount – up to 60% of the value of the purchased property or up to 80% if additional collateral is provided;
    • minimum amount – 1 million rubles;
    • maximum amount – 15 million rubles. in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, 9 million rubles. in other subjects of the federation;
    • term – up to 10 years.

    Absolut Bank also gives you the opportunity to buy a parking space with a mortgage at a rate of 14.25%, offering up to 70% of its value, or from 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. (in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - up to 2 million).


    The BFA banking organization, operating in Moscow and St. Petersburg, provides business entities of the two capitals with a mortgage at a rate of 17.25% in the amount of 0.5 million to 25 million rubles, but not more than 70% of the value of the collateral property.

    BFA is the only lender that agrees to provide a mortgage loan for commercial real estate for a very long term - up to 25 years.


    Rosbank allows you to take out a business mortgage at a rate of 13.34% to 15.19% in the amount of 1 million to 100 million rubles. for any period from 3 months. up to 7 years. It also gives you the choice between a one-time loan payment and a line of credit, equal monthly payments or on an individual schedule.

    URALSIB Bank promises a mortgage for commercial real estate at a rate of 13.9% for a period of 1 to 10 years in the amount of 0.5 million to 170 million rubles. in the form of a one-time loan or line of credit. Issue fee – 1.2% of the amount.

    UniCredit Bank issues from 0.5 million to 73 million rubles. for a period of up to 7 years with a down payment of at least 20%. Debt repayment is also possible here with annuity payments or according to an individual schedule.

    TransCapitalBank gives businessmen the opportunity to take out a mortgage loan in the amount of 300 thousand rubles. for a period of up to 10 years, both for the purchase of real estate at a rate of 16.5%, and for any purpose - at 19%.

    MTS Bank offers from 1 million to 25 million rubles as collateral for purchased business real estate. on credit up to 5 years at a rate of 16%, up to 10 years - 16.5-17% depending on the down payment.

    RNKB provides businessmen, with the exception of representatives of agribusiness, at a rate of 15% from 1 million to 70 million rubles. for up to 7 years, down payment from 20%.

    Banca Intesa agrees to issue from 1 million to 120 million rubles, or up to 80% of the value of the real estate for a period of up to 10 years at a floating rate.


    The main requirements for borrowers from banks providing mortgages for businesses boil down to having experience in business activities (usually at least 1 year), the status of a resident of the Russian Federation and the ability to confirm solvency. For real estate - complete liquidity and location within transport accessibility from the bank office.

    A complete list of requirements and necessary documents attached to the application for a mortgage loan, as well as the exact sequence of actions to obtain a loan, should be clarified with the selected bank.

    You can get a loan secured by real estate from this institution under the following conditions:

    • an application for a business loan is reviewed within three working days;
    • You can get a loan without paying any fees;
    • funds are transferred to the current account of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. faces.

    In this bank, business loans secured by real estate are provided in accordance with the following conditions:

    • the property you buy can act as collateral;
    • there is a deferment of up to six months for repayment of the principal debt;
    • funds can be provided in the classical form (with a repayment schedule) or in tranches.


    • Availability of a deferment on payment of the principal debt - up to 12 months;
    • loans are provided to various forms of business, including peasant farms;
    • Early repayment of the loan is allowed.

    Conditions for issuing a loan to legal entities secured by:

    • no fees are charged for issuing and repaying a loan ahead of schedule;
    • deferment on repayment - up to 6 months;
    • individual payment schedule;
    • If you are applying for a loan for an individual entrepreneur, a guarantee from your spouse is required.

    Among the important conditions for issuing a loan to an entrepreneur are:

    • the ability to replace the down payment with an additional deposit;
    • there is a deferment on repayment of the principal debt;
    • the business must be located within a radius of 200 km from the bank office location.

    • the loan can be issued secured by the property of the individual entrepreneur;
    • the decision on extradition is made within 1 working day;
    • lending is completely transparent, without hidden fees;
    • loan currency - rubles, dollars, euros.


    • the “Business Priority” loan product can only be issued by existing clients of a banking organization;
    • the final interest rate is determined after analyzing your financial condition;
    • there are commissions for issuing a loan - from 1.2% of the amount;
    • repayment is carried out in equal payments;
    • In addition to collateral, the bank has the right to require a guarantee from an individual. persons


    • loans for legal entities and small businesses are provided without hidden fees;
    • There are no fees for early repayment;
    • there is the possibility of deferring payment for up to six months;
    • no additional deposit required.

    • the interest rate can be floating/fixed;
    • the loan can be issued in rubles, dollars and euros;
    • There are no fees for applying for a loan or early repayment of the amount;
    • It is possible to choose the form of repayment.


    • provision of a partially unsecured loan is allowed;
    • There is a deferred repayment period of up to three months;
    • The repayment schedule can be drawn up taking into account the seasonality of your business.

    • the application is reviewed within 14 working days;
    • the ability to evaluate collateral without involving a specialized appraiser;
    • You do not need to open an RS to consider your application;
    • There are no additional fees.

    • the interest rate directly depends on the loan amount;
    • The repayment schedule can be developed individually.

    • there are no additional commissions;
    • It is possible to issue funds in dollars and euros.


    Taking out a loan secured by real estate, for example, an apartment, allows you to receive a more significant amount of funds at a loyal interest rate. But the loan amount in any case will depend on how much your property is valued.

    On the other hand, if you violate the terms of the contract, you will simply lose the property registered as collateral. For a banking organization, the presence of collateral in the form of real estate is a guarantee that in any case you will repay the borrowed funds.

    There are also advantages of this loan for you:

    • the registration procedure is simpler;
    • the bank will be more loyal to your credit history.


    The following can serve as collateral:

    • commercial and residential real estate;
    • a plot of land owned by you (or owned by a legal entity);
    • warehouse space.

    And also in some cases, an additional guarantee from an individual can act as security. person or business owner.

    Secured by the purchased property

    A loan secured by the purchased property has several features:

    • real estate must meet the criteria established by the banking organization;
    • you will not be able to sell the collateral;
    • if you stop repaying the loan, the property will be transferred to the bank;
    • a loan to a small business for real estate is provided only if there is no debt to counterparties and the Federal Tax Service;
    • Often a banking organization requires insurance of the purchased object.

    Requirements for the borrower and collateral

    The general list of requirements for the borrower includes the following:

    • actual implementation of activities from 3 months to a year;
    • positive credit history for the entire period of activity;
    • consent to open a personal account (not in all banks);
    • your business has no signs of bankruptcy;
    • business founders must be citizens of the Russian Federation;
    • the radius of your business is no further than 300 km from the office of the credit institution;
    • age range - from 21 to 65 years.

    Collateral requirements:

    • absence of encumbrance with the rights of third parties;
    • the property must not be the subject of litigation;
    • property should not be pledged for loans issued in other banks;
    • if the collateral is an industrial building, it must be made of brick or stone;
    • If the property is located on the top floor of a building, the condition of the roof must be checked.

    This list is not exhaustive; each credit institution may set additional requirements.


    If the loan is issued by a legal entity, you must provide:

    • constituent documents;
    • certificate of state registration;
    • protocol describing the reasons and purposes of lending;
    • tax and financial reporting for a certain period;
    • photocopies of contracts with business partners;
    • documentation for real estate that will act as collateral.

    If you want to get a loan as an individual entrepreneur, bring to the bank additionally:

    • your passport;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;

    Stages and nuances

    The loan application process itself consists of several stages. Let's look at them in more detail:

    1. You choose a suitable banking organization, visit its office and submit a loan application. By the way, now most banks provide an online application service, which saves time.
    2. Your application is reviewed and a decision is made.
    3. If the decision is positive, the lender evaluates the property you are pledging as collateral.
    4. You and the lender sign an agreement, after which funds are transferred to your account.
    5. You receive a payment schedule according to which you make transfers.

    As for some pitfalls, they certainly exist. For example: before providing a loan, specialists from the bank’s security department can check you or the business founder for a criminal record, which may serve as a reason for refusing a loan.

    The status of accounts opened in other banks must be checked. Therefore, in the questionnaire, indicate the accounts that you have and those that you have not used for a long time. One more nuance: legal check. addresses. If a large number of other companies are registered at your address, you will be denied credit.

    Regardless of the form of ownership of a commercial enterprise, business development requires attracting additional funds. Most profitable receive financing from a banking institution or credit union by concluding an appropriate agreement. However, it should be taken into account that there are many loan programs on the Russian market that differ in rates, the size of the loan issued and the type of credit line. By placing real estate collateral as security, you can receive a large sum on acceptable terms. The characteristics of such loan programs for legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and limited liability companies are presented in the article.

    Features of real estate loans for legal entities (LEs)

    A legal entity is an organization operating in a legal framework and having:

    • certificate of state registration;
    • constituent package of documents;
    • approved and registered charter;
    • legal address;
    • accounting reports.

    A legal entity is liable for its obligations only with its authorized capital.

    Since any business is associated with risks, banks lend to enterprises that have high financial performance or provide liquid collateral.

    • resort to the intermediary services of a credit broker;
    • go to a pawnshop;
    • use the services of private investors.

    The procedure for obtaining a loan secured by collateral for an LLC is the same as for legal entities.

    Adviсe. What borrowers need to consider when applying for a loan

    1. Before financing a business, the bank checks the founders of companies for criminal records and the number of legal entities they have previously registered. Such information is freely available and it is not difficult to obtain. If the borrower has established more than five legal entities, the bank may refuse lending.
    2. Before making a decision on a loan, banks check the status of current accounts opened with other organizations. In the form, you must indicate both current accounts and those that you have not used for a long time, but did not have time to close. All data on previous loans and existing current accounts must be confirmed with a certificate from the Federal Tax Service. If there were previously delays of more than 5 days when repaying the loan, the bank may refuse financing.
    3. When checking the legal address of the borrowing company, banks compare it with the “black list” of mass registration addresses. Companies with an illegal address, under which many enterprises are registered, will be refused loans by the bank.
    4. Banks check not only the borrower’s credit history, but also partner firms that have common profits and financial interests. Particularly inspected are enterprises whose management and founders are closely connected.
    5. If the collateral property is not enough to obtain the necessary funds, you can attract the property of a related company. If loan payments are delayed, the bank has the right to recover funds from both the borrower and the guarantor company. In this case, the pledge is sold last.