Which banks do not check credit history - list, conditions for issuing loans and requirements for borrowers. Which banks do not check credit history? Banks that do not check credit histories

Information about the CI is stored in the BKI for 10 years. Banks and microfinance organizations interact with the bureau, sending data on existing borrowers and requesting information on potential clients. Financial and credit structures have access to information about the quality of servicing agreements by borrowers, and informing the BKI about consumer loans is the responsibility of the lender, banks and microfinance organizations (clause 3.1 of Article 5 of Law No. 218-FZ “On Credit Histories”). Each CI accumulates information on all credit programs, including credit cards and microloans.

Before making a decision, banks study the reputation of the borrower based on a report received upon request, which contains not only information about financial discipline, but also facts of refusal to conclude a loan agreement. Credit history is a cross-section of the client’s picture, characterizing his financial accuracy and responsibility as a borrower. Before sending a request to the bureau to receive a report, the consent of the client, the subject of the CI, is required.

Issuance of a loan by a bank without checking the CI

There is no point in hoping that there will be banks on the market that do not check credit history. Banking structures practice analysis of the borrower based on the CI report, but the credit history is not always thoroughly checked. Some financiers turn a blind eye to the negative reputation of a future client. At the same time, the lack of a correct picture affects the terms of the borrowing agreement: the lender covers the risks of non-repayment or late payments with high interest rates. Most often, small players in the banking sector or new banks that are conquering a niche and do not carefully check credit history work according to this scheme.

Terms of credit products

Financial and credit institutions that are loyal to undisciplined borrowers offer the following lending conditions:

  • on average interest rates are 30–35%; terms 6–60 months; issue volumes 30,000–100,000 rubles;
  • requirement for collateral - collateral, guarantee of persons with a positive reputation in CI;
  • certificates of income, property;
  • extracts from the work book.

MFO and CI verification

Violators should consider the option of a microloan. The policy of MFOs issuing loans of this kind is more flexible with respect to checking the CI, and past financial discipline does not become a decisive factor when accepting applications.

These commercial financial institutions simultaneously save on application costs and issue loans without full checks as a competitive advantage against banks. Therefore, you can try to apply for a loan where your credit history is not checked at microfinance organizations: the likelihood of approval is high.

Other ways of lending without CI checks

You can do without analyzing a negative reputation if you use other lending methods:

  • offers of a credit institution to existing clients. Any bank offers additional products, including credit cards and consumer loans. To do this, you need to receive your salary on a card issued by the bank, or have a deposit, a working current account;
  • special offers for renovation of CI. Lenders are developing programs to improve negative reputation, where the approach to each client is individual, taking into account the reasons for the delays and current life circumstances.
  • commodity loan. Promptly issued funds can be obtained when purchasing goods. As a rule, representatives of lenders work in retail chains, and a commodity loan is issued immediately in the store.

If you refuse a bank to check your CI

Whether or not to agree to review a credit history is the client’s choice (Article 6 of Law No. 218-FZ). Most banking structures treat the refusal as a sign of negative financial discipline of the applicant and refuse the application. However, refusal does not mean that a person is hiding something from the creditor.

A number of banks in this case are careful about checking client information in other ways. The security service of financial institutions has developed its own methods. If the reputation is tarnished, it will lead to refusal. In addition, the client ends up on a blacklist, information from which the banks secretly exchange among themselves.

Important: consent to submit a credit report from the BKI indicates the client’s disposition towards the bank. Denying access to credit data reduces a person's credibility and makes it more difficult to process an application.

How to show solvency

The client’s willingness to demonstrate financial solvency increases the chances of approval of the application. Solvency is proven by:

  • stable salary, which is confirmed by salary and employment certificates;
  • availability of funds according to statements of balances on deposits and bank accounts;
  • availability of property, movable and immovable, in ownership with the provision of relevant documentation;
  • trips abroad, confirmed by marks in the passport;
  • other income, for example, from renting an apartment with the provision of a rental agreement and confirmation of receipt of payment;
  • absence of debts: alimony, utility bills, tax obligations;
  • valid evidence of past non-payments, supported by certificates.

Prepare documents before visiting a financial institution. A package of documentation prepared in advance speaks of a business approach and a responsible attitude towards obligations.

Which banks do not check credit history is a fairly important question for those who want to apply for a loan. Past debts and their repayments reflect the citizen’s solvency and conscientiousness towards the bank, his ability to manage finances. There are a number of financial institutions that immediately declare that they are not interested in history when issuing funds on credit. This allows you to attract new clients who, for certain reasons, do not have such experience at all, or there are undesirable aspects that inspire mistrust.

If you were going to borrow money from a lending institution, go to those banks where they are not interested in your financial history. This increases the chance of getting the desired loan.

From the point of view of economic terminology, credit history is an indicator of the relationship between the lender and the citizen. It displays a map of the person's loans, how he repaid them and what difficulties arose. Most banks, referring specifically to the timeliness of payments, allow or deny a person a new loan. There are situations in life when there is no money at all, and the only way to find it is to borrow from a bank. Then your credit history will be decisive, and you also need to study which banks do not refuse a loan. And if you have problems with it, go to those banks that openly declare that they are not interested in your past.

Whose base is usually used for verification

For such purposes, there are specialized credit bureaus. This is a commercial structure that contains information on financial loans and payment terms for clients of the most popular banks and newbie institutions. It is possible to submit a written request to such an office to familiarize yourself with the documents.

Opportunities that the database provides to financial firms:

  • stores a lot of information, which means CI will be found in 99%;
  • accuracy of information;
  • efficiency of displaying information on the client;
  • accessibility and lack of bureaucracy;
  • a detailed description of a citizen’s monetary transactions.

Banks that do not check credit history: list 2019

One gets the impression that these are only little-known companies, but the list of creditors who do not check the debt payer’s history includes market monopolistic giants.

  1. In the first line we will put young corporations and new banks that do not check credit history - Orient Express Bank, Post Bank (formerly Leto Bank) and OTP. The list of clients is small, so an additional powerful PR move and client trust will only be beneficial. After all, the main task is to attract new people, and loans without any special difficulties easily replenish the lists of borrowers that are not yet very full. Representatives of these banks competently deal with the main problem of the population - lack of money. Therefore, those who need to obtain help in the form of a couple of thousand or a couple of tens of thousands without unnecessary difficulties become regular users.
  2. More serious amounts - up to half a million - are issued by Renaissance Credit. Here, rates up to 500 thousand rubles are at a relatively low high interest rate of 18-32% per year. It is permissible to lower this threshold if the credit history inspires confidence. If it is not there, then you will have to pay in full. However, this does not stop those who need funds quickly and without problems.
  3. Russian Standard issues a loan in cash or on a bank card even with a bad credit history. The bank's policy is aimed at attracting customers, and refusal occurs once in several tens of thousands of potential consumers of the Russian Standard.
  4. Citibank issues loans to citizens of the Russian Federation even if they have bad reviews about the return of funds. But at the same time, like any financial office, they do not forget about caution and a return guarantee. They give money up to about 450 thousand, and the amount depends on individual circumstances.
  5. Do you need money quickly, but your CI doesn’t inspire confidence? Contact Sovcombank and Bank Trust for help. They give loans to citizens using two documents and in a fairly short time. There is another plus here - the loan is available for registration even online.
  6. The giants of the financial structure are PromsvyazBank, Tinkoff and Home Credit. The general requirements are unchanged; the information is studied, but not acted upon.

MFOs that do not check credit history

This list of banks that do not check credit history is a reliable source of information. As a rule, microfinance organizations lend a relatively small amount, but they also need guarantees of honesty and solvency.

MFIs without CI monitoring include:

  • “Credit 911”, which issue up to one hundred thousand at 1% per day.
  • Lot Finance, giving a loan at half a percent per day. It is possible to borrow from a thousand to 100 thousand.

For information in other banks, see the official website of each of them.

Alternative ways to get a loan with a bad CI

A couple of tips to help “clear” your lending history and regain the trust of banks:

  1. Do not contact financial institutions for the next 15 years, because BKI stores data for so long.
  2. Improve your history by paying off overdue debts.
  3. Pay on time for 2-3 years.
  4. Display work experience in a reputable organization over time.
  5. Contact a familiar bank.

These tips do not act quickly and will show results; for banks, every little thing matters.

If you need a loan, but in the past you have not paid the loan very conscientiously, most likely the bank will refuse you a loan or a new loan. Then you can find information about which banks do not check your credit history - and contact them directly.

Credit history- this is an extract from the database for each person, indicating when and how much he borrowed from the bank, as well as data on the repayment of these debts.

The need to present a credit history is stipulated in the Law “On Credit Histories”.

One of these options is to refuse to borrow money from the bank for 15 years - the period for storing any information in the database.

There is still an opportunity to correct your credit history or try to take out a loan without checking previous loans.

If you need money immediately, it is better to use the bank right away rather than try to clear your credit history, as this is a long process that requires a lot of time.

Credit history

This document is generated in a special credit bureau. This allows you to check the reliability of the borrower and increases the likelihood of repaying the debt.

Clean credit history– absence of delays and non-payments on previous or existing loans.

Some people do not pay much attention to their loan statement - this can be considered a mistake, because banks very often make a verdict on this document.

In what cases can a loan be issued:

  • The client has officially confirmed his ability to repay the debt (certificate from his place of employment);
  • Long term work in one place;
  • The client is of working age;
  • Availability of good collateral (apartment or car);
  • Stable social status – citizenship of the Russian Federation, availability of work.

Credit Bureau

There are several stages of debt default that credit bureau workers look at.

The same information is provided to the bank upon request:

  • Gross violation - if you have not paid the debt in full or partially;
  • Average violation – if you deliberately delayed payment every month;
  • A normal violation is if you are late with your payment by a maximum of five days.

There is also the option that the delay occurred due to the fault of technical equipment, when the money arrives after a significant period of time - sometimes a small debt turns into a huge amount, since the bank does not always notify the client that the money has not arrived.

In addition, BKI looks at the history of relationships with the bank - whether there were conflicts with employees or people from the security service. If your case was heard in court, the likelihood of a positive response from the bank is significantly reduced.

Most often, banks that have just appeared in the country and need an influx of clients turn a blind eye to a bad credit history.

"Simple" loans

There are loans that a bank can issue even with a bad credit history - these are loans from which non-payment will not cause the bank to suffer great material damage, namely:

  • Secured loan– real estate, car, shares – in this case the bank gets your property, which reduces the total loss of funds;
  • Credit for goods– the bank issues money to purchase equipment – ​​the purchase remains as collateral.

However, in the case of obtaining a home mortgage, the bank will refuse to receive a loan because the amount is too large. If you do not pay the debt, the bank will suffer significant losses.

Which banks do not check credit history?

There are no banks that do not look at the history of your loans at all; rather, they simply “turn a blind eye” to minor shortcomings.

Most often, new organizations do this.

And if the bank agreed to give you a loan, then most likely at high interest rates and for a fairly short period of time - to minimize risk.

Pros of this bank:

  • No commission for registration of the contract;
  • The maximum loan amount is 1 million rubles;
  • Long loan period (compared to other organizations) – 5 years;
  • It is possible to repay the loan early and without overpayments.

List of the most loyal banks, interest and loan amount:

Renaissance Credit0.199 From 6 to 45 months30,000 rubles500,000 rubles
Sovcombank- - Any amount750,000 rubles
Tinkoff0.239 From 3 to 24 monthsAny amount700,000 rubles
CitibankFrom 28%Up to 60 monthsAny amount1 million rubles
MetrobankFrom 16% to 30%From 3 to 24 monthsAny amount300000
MTS BankFrom 34.9% to 60%From 3 to 6 monthsAny amount250000

But at VTB-24 or Sberbank - if you have a bad credit history, you will most likely receive a refusal (if the delay is more than six months).

Options for obtaining a bank loan without verification

There are several options for obtaining a loan without checking your credit history:

  • If you are a client in whom the bank is interested- for example, sends an offer to apply for a loan by email - most often this happens with regular users who have a salary or regular account with the organization;
  • Credit programs– such loans are more beneficial to the bank than to the client – ​​the loan is given at high interest rates and only in cash;
  • Speed ​​loans– designed for the purchase of goods in a store, such loans are mainly beneficial for the borrower.
  • Loan from a private person– you can borrow money from a private lender, most often for a short period of time and secured by some property. But you need to be careful not to meet a scammer, because it is very difficult to verify the veracity of the investor’s identity;
  • Microloans– loans from small financial institutions, they issue loans instantly and do not check the lending history, but they issue small amounts and for short periods.

Banks divide people who have a bad credit history into three categories:

First categoryPeople who forget to repay the loan, but after a call from the support center immediately go to repay the debt. Most likely, the bank will issue a loan to such borrowers, but will significantly reduce the maximum amount.
Second categoryPeople who have difficulty repaying the loan due to loss of solvency - in this case, the debt is paid off with the help of collateral.
Third categoryPeople who deliberately refuse to pay a loan, who may have more than one such loan.

Pros and cons of microloans

They are often issued online through the website of a microfinance organization.


  • Fast delivery time – from 15 minutes;
  • There is no need to leave home and stand in line at the bank.

This option has a lot of negative aspects:

  • The short period for which you receive money is usually no more than a month;
  • Small loan amount – up to 15 thousand rubles;
  • The interest rate seems low, but you need to understand that it is 1-2% per day, as a result, a decent amount of overpayment accumulates over the course of a month.

It is worth choosing this option if you need money as urgently as possible.

It will be useful to view:

Tips to increase your likelihood of getting a loan

There are several options by which you can take out a loan:

  • Send an application to several banks at once;
  • If you receive a refusal, don’t give up - send the application again or write to another bank;
  • Pay off all previous bank debts - this will show the seriousness of your intentions;
  • Pay off all utility payments, alimony and taxes;
  • If the bank offers to give you money as collateral for your apartment, you should agree; there may not be another opportunity.

What to do if the bank refused to issue a loan?

There are two possible ways out of this situation:

Is it possible to refuse such a check?

In accordance with the Personal Data Law, you have the opportunity to refuse verification, but this may raise additional questions from the bank employee about the reason why you are hiding your data.


Even with a bad credit history, you have a chance to get a loan from a bank. This will be due to the difficulty of finding a bank that will agree to give you a loan.

Today in Russia there are many little-known banking organizations that will be happy to issue you a loan.

In addition, there are banks that are trying to regain their former success - and also minimize the necessary requirements for an individual.

25.06.2019 0

In some situations, a quick solution to financial problems is required, but there is no opportunity to borrow the required amount from friends or relatives. Then you can try contacting the bank, but even with small late payments there is a high probability of refusal. But which bank should you go to that doesn’t check the borrower’s credit history? Do such organizations even exist? These and other questions can be answered below.

What is a credit history?

A credit history is a kind of report on the borrower’s payments, loans and arrears.

A credit dossier consists of several parts:

  1. Title part - personal data about the client, passport data and information from other documents;
  2. The main part is information about all received loans and applications. This indicates how much was borrowed, whether there were any debts and when the loan was repaid. The section is supplemented with information about other debts, for example, for utilities and court decisions on them;
  3. Closed section - information about which companies made a request for a client in BKI;
  4. Information part - a dossier is formed when the client takes out a new loan and contains data on all payments.

Information about the borrower is stored in the bureau for ten years, after which it is deleted. The countdown begins not from the moment of the first request, but from the last record of repayment or delay.

The credit history contains information not only about the loans taken personally by the borrower, but also contains records of when he acted as a co-borrower or guarantor.

Why do banks check a client's credit history?

Credit history allows the bank to assess the risks associated with the loan issued. If the borrower has not previously been late and made all payments on time, then his credit history is good. In this case, the chances of receiving favorable conditions from the bank are higher.

The client's file is stored in the BKI for many years and is available to all financial institutions. Therefore, everything possible must be done to avoid delays. If a bank employee made a mistake when entering details and the payment was received in the name of another client, thereby causing a delay, then such information from the BKI can be refuted.

It is necessary to collect documents confirming the borrower’s correctness and submit an application to the BKI to remove information from the history.

If the debt was incurred due to the client’s fault, fines were assessed or legal proceedings were conducted, the entries cannot be excluded from the file. You can gradually improve your reputation with new loans.

The importance of credit history

Clients with a good credit dossier, who make payments on time and repay debts safely, will be welcome clients in any credit institution. It doesn't matter which company the loans were taken out from. A good credit reputation helps not only to get a loan one hundred percent, but also to count on a quick review of the application.

With a bad story, things are a little worse. In most cases, the loan is denied, and the application takes much longer to process. Clients who do not inspire confidence will be presented with other lending conditions; the borrower will be offered a higher interest rate, a short payment period and a small amount of money.

The bank checks all clients who have agreed to check their credit dossier, and if there is no permission, then they will most likely refuse to provide a loan.

However, not all companies take into account the borrower’s credit history. Newly opened small organizations, in order to increase their client base, can turn a blind eye to the risks and issue a loan. Some large banks only take into account information for the past year, so everyone has a chance.

Is it possible to refuse a credit check? Officially, banks do not have the right to reject an application because of this. According to the law on personal data, all citizens of the Russian Federation can refuse a history check, but in almost every case this will be followed by a refusal.

Are there banks that do not request a report?

All credit institutions that have entered into an agreement with BKI check the history of each client in order to assess possible risks in cooperation. Nowadays, few banks do not work with BKI, but still there are such companies:

  • For some organizations, verification is just a formality;
  • Young companies forgive clients for their past mistakes and issue loans in order to develop a client base;
  • Some banks check information only for recent months.

In order to somehow protect themselves, banks ask for collateral or a guarantor. Also, the borrower will have to take out insurance and the interest on the loan will be significantly higher than that presented.

Which banks can approve an overdue loan?

If the client is a resident of Moscow or St. Petersburg, then it is better to contact regional companies or organizations providing express lending, for which the list of requirements is small.

You can consider the following proposals:

  1. "Raiffeisenbank" - issues from 90 thousand rubles to two million at 9.99% - 11.99% per annum, for a period of one to five years. Applications are reviewed within two days;
  2. “Svyaz-Bank” - provides from 30 thousand to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The rate will be from 10% to 16.9%. Proof of solvency will be required. The application will be reviewed within 2 days;
  3. “Binbank” - offers amounts of 50,000 - 2,000,000 rubles at 10.49% - 17.49% for up to one year. Application review period is up to 3 days;
  4. "Moscow Credit Bank" - issues loans for up to 15 years in the amount of 50,000 - 3,000,000 rubles at 10.9% - 24.5%. The only document you need is a passport. Review of the application - 3 days;
  5. “Alfa Bank” - according to the proposed “Cash” program, you can borrow up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years at a rate of 10.99% - 22.49%. The application will be reviewed within 1 - 2 days.

It makes no sense to submit an application to large well-known organizations, such as VTB, Sberbank, Gazprombank, since they check each client and, when they see any delays, they will immediately refuse.

An exception may be salary clients if there is collateral; to approve the loan, you will have to provide collateral or bring a guarantor with a good credit history and official place of work.

What to do if banks refuse due to a bad dossier?

A client with a bad reputation needs to win over the lender, after which he will be able to offer profitable loan programs. And at this stage you can count:

  • For a loan secured by real estate, personal transport, securities. The object must be easy to sell in order to sell it as soon as possible in case of non-payment of the debt;
  • For store credits;
  • Loans issued via the Internet;
  • Express loans.

In all cases, it will be necessary to provide documentary proof of solvency. It will increase the chances of attracting a guarantor who will act as a guarantor for repayment of the debt.

How should the applicant behave?

Defaulters may think that the lender has forgotten about them if they do not receive calls about the delinquency. However, this cannot be. In any case, the bank will calculate fines and penalties for non-payment, and will ultimately sell the agreement to collectors or sue.

Another situation is if the client, due to difficult life situations, cannot cope with payments. In this case, the bank can soften its attitude by providing the opportunity for restructuring.

In most cases, clients with a damaged history should not hope for bank approval. However, there are still several ways to achieve success:

  • Confirm solvency. If the borrower has made payments in the past, it is necessary to convince the company that his financial situation has improved and he will be able to pay the loan. You can confirm your worth with information about the property you own (apartment, transport, house, dacha), certificates of income and employment;
  • Prove innocence of past delays by providing hospital certificates. If, due to the fault of an employee of a financial institution, a record of delinquency appears in the borrower’s file, demand that it be removed immediately;
  • Submit an application to TsKKI or the Central Bank with a request to delete your credit history. However, this often does not bring results.

What are the pros and cons of getting a loan with bad credit?

Let us conclude that among credit institutions there are those that do not check credit history, but the requirements for the borrower are high and the conditions are worse than for clients with a good record.

The volume of loans issued is growing, and along with it, the number of Russians who are in arrears. A violation of payment obligations is always recorded, and the next time a client with a bad credit history may be denied a loan. To prevent this from happening, it is better to immediately contact companies that do not check your credit history.

How do banks check a borrower's credit history?

A credit history is a kind of financial dossier that is created for all citizens of the Russian Federation and persons with a residence permit. When a client applies for a loan, he must be checked against such a dossier. What the bank is interested in:

  • About the borrower - full name, date of birth, information from the passport (identification number, citizenship, registration);
  • About credit obligations - current credit load, contract numbers, their amount, term and currency;
  • On the fulfillment of obligations - the presence of debts and arrears, measures to eliminate them, guarantee experience.

For 15 years from the date of the last entry, all files are stored in the BKI - credit history bureau. When it is necessary to make a decision on issuing a loan, banks launch scoring systems that evaluate the client by CI, assigning him a certain rating. Accordingly, if the rating is high, the application is approved. If it's low, it's rejected.

Why does a bank need a credit history?

Lending in the country is gaining momentum. In the second quarter of 2019 alone, Russians took out 3.9 million consumer loans worth 745 billion rubles, which is 13% more than in the same period in 2018. In the face of such demand, banks need to know who their borrower is: who and when he received the loan, how conscientious he is in his payments, what his credit load is and whether he has any debts. In fact, it is the client’s reliability that banks seek to assess using CI.

If the dossier is positive, the application will not only be approved, but will also be offered more favorable loan terms. Those who have not paid on time, applied for loans too often or have outstanding debts will almost certainly be rejected. This is explained by high risks: no bank wants to lose its money by lending it to an unreliable payer.

Which banks do not check credit history in 2019?

So, today there are virtually no banks that do not check credit history. The security service necessarily examines the file of each potential borrower who has given this consent. If consent is not received, the bank will be wary: perhaps there are serious flaws in the client’s credit history.

Another question is how demanding are banks? It turns out that clients are not always expected to have an impeccable credit history. They will turn a blind eye to minor flaws (delays in the past, closed debts) if:

  • in a small bank. It is important for beginners to increase their client base, so the chance of approval of the application is high;
  • . Suitable for cars, real estate or securities. Taking into account the collateral, the bank’s risks are lower, and the attitude towards the client is more loyal;
  • . Loans issued via the Internet are issued quickly, but applicants are not checked so thoroughly. But you need to keep in mind that the amount of such a loan will be limited.

With a bad credit history, it makes no sense to go to a large state or commercial bank: they will almost certainly refuse. But there are organizations that are loyal to customers. It is in such banks, usually very young and modern, that they offer online applications and secured loans. Their names and features are described below.

New banks that don't check credit history

If well-known banks refused, very young organizations have a chance to have their application approved. For example:

  • . Created in 2016, the bank issues loans without proof of income and to applicants with less-than-ideal qualifications in order to increase its clientele;
  • . A relatively young institution that issues loans quickly and using a simplified procedure. For a loyal attitude to the credit history, an increased interest rate is charged;
  • . It specializes in retail lending, so it offers a lot of loans, incl. with an increased percentage for those who have minor flaws in the CI;
  • . If your credit history is damaged, the bank will offer you a secured loan or with a less than favorable interest rate. As an alternative, you can apply for a credit card.

It is worth remembering that a new bank is not necessarily reliable. Therefore, before taking the bait on an attractive rate, it would be a good idea to check the lender (license, place in expert ratings, customer reviews).