Polish Russophobe provoked a fight live on NTV. Pole Matseychuk, who got hit in the face on NTV, caused unprecedented rage among Russians. Ruslan punched the Pole

A mass brawl took place in the studio of the “Meeting Place” program on the Russian NTV channel with the participation of Ukrainian journalist Elena Boyko.

The fight broke out after a phrase from Polish journalist Tomas Maciejchuk addressed to the editor-in-chief of PolitRussia Ruslan Ostashko.

“Your grandfathers are red fascists,” said Matseychuk, after which Ostashko (in the video he is wearing a blue tie) ran up to the Pole and hit him in the face. Matseychuk tried to answer. Then Elena Boyko got involved in the fight. The rivals were separated and the program continued.

He commented on the incident in his Facebook Ukrainian journalist Yuri Kot.

“I think that after this incident, Tomas’s fee will increase. Lena Boyko will not be invited for now in order to avoid a relapse with obscenities on air. I don’t think that Tomas will sue Ruslan Ostashko. But if this happens, it will be interesting for me, first of all, to see the decision court. And nothing will change. Just as these Nazis were invited, they will continue to invite them. Just as the Russians wiped themselves away from their spit, they will continue to wipe them off,” he wrote.

"I found the full topic of this discussion, which ended in a fight. It turns out that this courageous woman added a couple of punches and sharp words of her own because she promised to do so. And Matseychuk went for a deliberate provocation when Ostashko warned that there would be no more insults against veterans. Then yes, Tomas really wanted to get it,” he wrote in his Facebook lawyer Vadim Manukyan.

Today, April 26, the NTV channel aired the next episode of the socio-political program “Meeting Place,” dedicated to the upcoming holiday of May 9. Particular attention was paid to Ukraine, where radicals promised to disrupt the celebration of Victory Day.

During a lively discussion, Polish nationalist Tomasz Maciejczuk allowed himself to insult Soviet citizens who defended the world from Nazism. He called them “red fascists,” for which he deservedly received several blows in the face from the editor-in-chief of the Russian online publication politrussia.com, Ruslan Ostashko.

Despite the fact that Ostashko warned opponents of the May 9 celebration about the inadmissibility of insults against the USSR and its former citizens, the Polish provocateur deliberately aggravated the situation by comparing Soviet soldiers with fascists.

However, in terms of provocations based on nationalism, Matseychuk has no equal. He was seen more than once with the UPA 1 flag in the Donbass, drank with the militants of the Azov battalion, initiated several anti-migration marches, and today is a frequent guest on political talk shows, where he denounces the Soviet Union with all his might.


Immediately after the release of the program, the incident was immediately transferred to social networks. Users of the Russian segment of the Internet condemned Matseychuk for his behavior in the NTV studio; people were especially dissatisfied with his position as a “victim.”

“Ostash hit me first. Comments have already appeared that “the Pole was punched in the face.” Look at my face and Ostashko’s face, and then decide who received it from whom. It's all because of emotions. After all, they rushed at me, I was just defending myself,” Matseychuk wrote on his VKontakte page.

However, no one took the Pole’s “heroic excuses” seriously on the Internet. Matseychuk deliberately provoked Ruslan Ostashko into a conflict, so users regarded his status as an “oppressed nationalist honestly defending his position” as a pathetic attempt to whitewash himself.

Well, to Matseychuk’s statement that he inflicted more damage on Ostashko in the brawl, most Russians answered briefly but precisely: “They don’t wave their fists after a fight.”

The Russians perceived the statement of the Polish nationalist, discrediting the honor and glory of Soviet citizens who defended the world from fascism, as an insult to the entire Russian people. Therefore, they fully supported Ruslan Ostashko, who answered Matseychuk for all of Russia, and wished that next time the provocateur would come harder.

1 Extremist organization whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation