Tinkoff bank products. Tinkoff credit systems bank Credit card or consumer loan

Tinkoff Bank was founded in 2007 and until 2015 was called Tinkoff Credit Systems (TCS). A distinctive feature of the bank is the absence of branches and ATMs. Customer service and banking services are provided entirely online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All banking transactions can be carried out on the official website of the bank tinkoff.ru.

Bank services

Home page of the official website.

Cooperation with the bank is carried out through your personal account on the website tinkoff.ru. To register, just enter your phone number and receive a login and password. Next, all services provided by the bank will be available.


Like all banks, Tinkoff Bank issues its own payment instruments - credit and debit cards.

A debit card is designed to store funds and use them within the available balance on your personal account.

Conditions for obtaining a debit card.

Tinkoff Bank has 12 types of debit cards. They allow the holder not only to store his money and not worry about its safety, but also to receive bonuses for use in the form of cashbacks, which for some cards reaches a record 30%.

Conditions for credit cards.

There are 16 types of credit cards that are used by clients to make purchases and withdraw cash in amounts that exceed their own balance. All credit cards have a grace period of up to 55 days, during which no interest is charged for using the loan. The credit limit can be up to 700,000 rubles for regular credit cards, the loan rate starts from 15% per annum.

There are credit cards that are used to pay for purchases at specific stores. Using such cards will allow you not only to save on purchases, but also to receive bonuses in the form of cashbacks.

For reference! All cards are issued online on the official website www.tinkoff.ru/cards/credit-cards/ and delivered by courier to the client’s location.


Conditions for receiving a cash loan

Bank Tinkov provides lending services. The entire registration process takes place online on the bank’s website. Having left an application, the client must wait for the courier to arrive, who will bring documents for signing a loan agreement and a card with money. Loan terms at Tinkoff Bank:

  • amount up to 1,000,000 rubles;
  • loan rate from 14.9% per annum;
  • lending period up to 3 years.

The borrower receives money within 1 day from the date of application. You can repay the loan early without charging any fees.


Offers for investors.

Tinkoff Bank has interesting offers for depositors. The maximum deposit amount is 30,000,000 rubles. Deposits are accepted in rubles, dollars and euros. You can make a multi-currency deposit, whereby savings in several currencies are stored in one account.

The interest rate depends on the deposit currency.

The maximum deposit period is 24 months. The deposit application must be left on the bank’s website and within 1-2 days the courier will deliver the documents for signing the deposit agreement. You can open a deposit account and manage it using an application or online banking. The second option is to issue a Tinkoff Black Bank card, which is used for storing funds, withdrawing cash and making payments for purchases and services. Along with the documents for the deposit, the courier will deliver a plastic card.

For reference! Deposits up to 1,400,000 rubles are insured by the state. This means that in the event of unforeseen circumstances in which payment of deposits by the bank may become impossible, the state will compensate for an amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles inclusive.


Investment proposals.

Tinkoff Bank offers an alternative to deposits - investments. The website contains offers from companies and shares that are up for sale. In order to become a participant in the investment program, it is enough to leave an application on the website. In 1-2 days the courier will deliver the agreement for maintaining a brokerage account.

The client selects a security and pays for it by card. The entire process takes place online, and there is no need to stop special applications or programs.

You can invest in stocks, bonds or currencies. The client makes money through changes in the currency exchanges and securities market.

The commission for completing a transaction is 0.3% of the amount, but not less than 99 rubles. Opening and maintaining a brokerage account is free.

Assistance in obtaining a mortgage

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage.

Tinkoff Bank itself does not provide mortgage loans, but is ready to act as an intermediary between the bank and the borrower.

The client leaves a request on the website, indicating how much mortgage loan he needs. Bank employees inform the client what documents need to be collected and send applications to several banks.

For reference! Applying for a mortgage through the Tinkoff Bank website not only increases the chances of loan approval, but also allows you to save up to 0.6% of the lending bank’s rate.

Mediation services between the lender and the borrower are completely free for the latter.


Types of insurance.

On the Tinkoff Bank website you can use insurance services. The bank offers four types of insurance:

  • for traveling abroad;
  • auto insurance;
  • health insurance;
  • real estate.

Tinkoff Bank is the official representative of 18 insurance companies. It is enough to fill out an application on the website, and the insurance policy will be delivered by courier to a place convenient for the client.

For reference! When purchasing CASCO insurance through the bank's website, the discount on the policy is 10%.

Bank Tinkov provides services not only to individuals, but to businesses. The bank’s website has offers for maintaining company accounts, as well as for managing accounting in an online resume without installing additional programs. Built-in accounting allows you to receive notifications about the deadlines for mandatory payments, and also automatically generates tax returns.

There is probably no person who has not faced temporary financial difficulties at least once in his life. Of course, you can hear a lot of advice here. For example, borrow money from relatives or friends, but if there is nowhere to borrow, what should you do? In this case, it becomes necessary to take out a loan from a bank. Today, Tinkoff Bank loan products are very popular. Let's figure out what products the bank is ready to offer its clients and why it is worth taking a more serious look at them?

Why is it worth getting a loan from Tinkoff Bank?

Perhaps it’s worth starting with the fact that Tinkoff Bank has existed since 1994, and during this time it has managed to take a leading place in the rating of banks. Today, the bank’s services are used by many residents of Russia and citizens of the CIS. Tinkoff payment systems offers credit cards with favorable service rates. It should be noted that the loan rate of this bank is only 17% per annum, while that of its closest competitor Alfa Bank is 25% per annum.

The main product of the bank is credit cards, but, however, the range of services of this financial institution is not limited to them only:

  • Consumer and mortgage lending.

Credit cards are perhaps one of the most popular and in-demand bank products today. This is not surprising, because to take a card you only need to:

  • Have an unblemished credit history;
  • Confirm your solvency;
  • Spend all 10 minutes filling out the form;
  • Wait for the bank's decision;
  • Get a card;
  • Start using it.

Currently, the bank offers not only credit cards, but also debit cards. Therefore, by becoming a client of Tinkoff payment systems, you receive:

  • High level of service;
  • Remote control.

You don’t have to stand in long lines to spend time communicating with the bank about any questions that arise.

Credit card or personal loan?

It seems that these two types of loans are no different. After all, in the first and second cases, the bank will still have to repay the debt, and even with interest. However, there is a very significant difference:

  • A consumer loan, most often it can be obtained when purchasing any goods. It could be a car, a phone, a computer, or anything else.
  • A credit card is a payment instrument, using which you can purchase a product, service, or simply “survive” temporary financial difficulties at any time.
  • The terms of these two types of loans are different. As a rule, a consumer loan is issued for a certain period. It could be two years or a little more. After the client repays the debt in full, the agreement with the bank is closed. That is, a consumer loan can only be used once.
  • If so, then there is no specific validity period for such an agreement. If the client successfully pays the debt to the bank, then he can use the card as much as he needs. At the same time, in order to perform this or that operation on the card, there is no need to go to the bank.
  • The conditions for repaying the debt to the bank are different in both cases. In order to repay a consumer loan, you need to pay the amount fixed in the agreement. Funds are also deposited into the bank card monthly, but they can be used again at any time.

So, it turns out that a credit card is a more convenient bank product than a regular consumer loan. In addition, Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank gives its clients the opportunity to use the card without any interest during the grace period. In order to issue a card, a minimum set of documents is required, and it is not always necessary to submit documents to confirm income. However, since this activity is associated with certain risks, each bank checks the credit histories of potential clients.

What requirements does Tinkoff Bank make?

It turns out that credit cards can differ greatly from each other. You can personally verify this by carefully studying the terms and conditions of Tinkoff Payment Systems Bank.

At first glance, the condition seems very tempting, but not everyone will be given a card.

Types of credit cards

So, now let’s take a closer look at what loan products can be obtained from Tinkoff Bank. The main tool for using credit funds is a card. Some lending conditions are analogous to a consumer loan. However, you can also select targeted products among the products.

Tinkoff platinum

Of course, the most popular product is the Platinum card. You can apply for it online. After all, it is universal and allows you to pay for almost any purchase or cash out. The bank offers a very decent limit, which can be 300,000 rubles. The card has a huge advantage, because the client is provided with an interest-free grace period of 55 days. Therefore, you can use the card almost free of charge for a long time. There is no need to go to pick it up; it will be delivered to your home or sent by mail.

All airlines

For those who love to travel, the All airlines card will be useful, which offers credit for such purposes. The product allows you to earn free miles and travel without having to pay for a flight. Having such a map in your pocket, you can safely go on a trip around the world.


Today, online shopping is very popular, in particular the AliExpress platform. You can take an AliExpress card and make purchases at the site’s stores and receive nice bonuses for it. It is especially worth noting the attractive prices and politeness of the sellers working on this popular site. Therefore, using the bank’s loan product, which has already been rated by many users, you can have a great time on the site.


Tinkoff Bank eBay credit card is a targeted loan. With its help, you can also go on an online shopping journey through the equally popular eBay site. When making purchases and paying with a card, you can earn a pretty decent bonus; the bank often returns up to 5% of the purchase price. But you can spend these funds exclusively on the eBay website.


For travel lovers who prefer to fly for free, the bank offers a OneTwoTrip card. At the same time, you can not be limited in the choice of lines and directions. For every ruble spent, one bonus is awarded. If you actively use the product, you can travel around the world.


The Tinkoff Bank Rendezvous card is also a convenient tool for online shopaholics. For making purchases in online stores, you receive pleasant bonuses in the form of accrued funds.


For those who like to “shop” in the Lamoda online store, Tinkoff Bank offers a credit card of the same name. By purchasing high-quality clothes, you can especially enjoy using a loan.

It is worth noting that the name of credit cards means that they have limited use. You can use them not only for online shopping, but also in “real” life, paying in stores or withdrawing money from an ATM. However, everything needs to be approached wisely. It’s easy to spend money, but you’ll have to pay it back later.

Repayment methods

Tinkoff Bank is very easy to use. Despite the fact that it does not have its own offices or ATMs, it has a well-thought-out online service to serve its clients. In particular, it offers convenient alternative ways to repay loans. Thanks to the fact that bank management signs agreements on the use of ATM systems and terminals owned by third-party organizations, clients can repay loans without commissions.

The bank is a member of the United Settlement System, which makes it possible to use terminals and ATMs of a wide variety of payment systems. The payment systems CONTACT, QIWI, Zolotaya Korona, Russian Post, and some others are quite suitable. It should be taken into account that different systems provide different speeds for crediting funds to a credit card account.

Services for users

For holders of the Tinkoff Platinum card, a bonus program “Bravo” is provided. It allows you to return 1% of the amount of purchases to your card account, no matter which ones.

In order to apply for a card, you need to fill out an online form offered on the bank’s website. Mobile and Internet banking is available to clients; you can manage your account via SMS. If necessary, you can receive an account statement, which will be delivered by Russian Post, or to your email address.

How to use a credit card

A credit card must have a credit limit. Its amount is calculated individually and interest for its use is not accrued until the person uses at least part of the provided amount.

You can use the credit limit amount using non-cash payments and when receiving funds from an ATM. In the first case, there is no interest on withdrawals; in the second, it is quite a significant percentage.

If you want to apply for a card at a bank for use in online payments, then interest will also not be charged.

Using the card is easy and convenient. Today it is not at all necessary to have cash if you have such a convenient payment instrument in your pocket. The card is suitable for paying for goods and services online, as well as in regular stores. It’s easy to apply for a card, and you can get it without leaving your home. This is another advantage that Tinkoff Bank offers its clients.

Cost of service and minimum payments

In addition, you need to pay attention to the tariffs offered by the bank:

  • Card maintenance per year is 590 rubles. This amount will have to be paid constantly, since it will be included in the monthly loan payment;
  • Typically, the minimum payment on a credit card is at least 8% of the total amount owed. In this case, the minimum payment cannot be less than 600 rubles;
  • Interest on a credit card, for the fact that borrowed funds have been used, will range from 24.9 to 34.9% during the year;
  • For withdrawing money from an ATM, the fee is 2.9% (this is approximately 290 rubles);
  • If the client is overdue for the minimum payment, the bank will charge a fine of 590 rubles; if the delays continue, the debt begins to increase.

In order not to look like someone who always doesn’t like everything, I write about what I like.

It so happened that, willy-nilly, I became a client Tinkoff Bank . Now about the products Tinkoff Bank , which I know about, but do not use, and also which I know about and use.

Credit cards : - several types. Credit limit up to 300,000 rubles and up to 700,000 rubles. Interest-free period up to 55 days. If the conditions of the tariff plan and comprehensive banking services are met, it is retained for the entire period of using the credit card. For now Bank Tinkoff provides the service " BALANCE TRANSFER" This service allows you to pay for a loan from a third-party bank within the available credit card limit. That is, a loan is closed in one bank and instead of two payments to different banks, one payment is made to one bank. The advantage of this service is Bank Tinkoff for 3 months does not accrue interest on the amount of loan repayment from a third-party bank. Further, interest is accrued as for making purchases, and not for cash withdrawals or money transfers. I don’t use it myself because I hate loans. I recommend it to those who cannot imagine life without loans - for such people it is very profitable. The Bank also provides many different bonuses and promotions - which, one way or another, are returned in rubles to the account.

Debit cards, also known as deposit cards : - interest is accrued monthly on the deposit balance at the rate of 8% per annum. There is a return on purchases of up to 30%, it all depends on promotions and affiliate programs. 1% is always returned. This is why I pay with a debit card 95% of the time. Tinkoff Bank– it’s very nice to see a refund. The amounts are certainly not large, but topping up your phone is the way to go. There is also a minus - expensive (relatively) maintenance of such a card, namely 99 rubles per month. But there is also a plus that motivates. If on a deposit card Tinkoff Bank There is a fireproof balance of 30,000 rubles or more, then no money will be charged for card servicing. But even if there is no such amount on the balance, as is often the case with me, two returns (interest and a refund for purchases) cover the monthly card maintenance. I still remain in the black and can “put” this money on my phone. Mobile app Tinkoff Bank– very convenient. Everything is seen. Everything happens quickly. The details are always at hand, since we all have our phones at our fingertips now. Top up your card with partners without commission. Partners - Svyaznoy, Euroset, MTS - these are those whom I know and whose services I used to replenish. Fast, convenient. You can top up both by card number and by contract number. It is very convenient to ask relatives and friends to transfer money from any city in Russia. Since Svyazny and Eurosets are located in almost every city. I recommend it to those who, like me, do not like loans and paying interest, but love a deposit and who like to receive interest and not give it away.

Worked under a contract. My travel allowances were transferred directly to my debit card. Tinkoff Bank. I paid for the hotel and Aeroexpress tickets with this card. The accounting department accepted checks for payment. At the end of the billing period, I received a percentage on the return. I was very pleased with this. It's a small thing, but nice.

Contribution : - I don’t know much about this, since I haven’t used it yet, but I’m going to. I know that you can get plus 1% on the amount of the deposit transferred from a third-party bank to Tinkoff Bank. Relevant for those who are saving for something.

After becoming a debit card holder Tinkoff Bank – I was thinking about withdrawing money and closing this card, since several cards from third-party banks were already available. Started using the map and mobile application Tinkoff Bank – and could no longer refuse her. Expensive card maintenance didn’t stop me. Because I still remain in the black. And I have the motivation to keep more than 30,000 rubles on the card.

Tinkov offers a cash loan using a card product, which can be used to receive funds from an ATM, daily purchases or remote shopping on the Internet.

Favorable terms for using a loan, a preferential interest-free loan period of 55 days, as well as making a decision in just 5 minutes certainly attract individuals. Tinkoff is currently expanding its customer base and offering a flexible system for issuing loans.

Cash loans are usually needed to purchase a car, real estate or for consumer expenses. Tinkoff Bank offers several targeted programs with which you can profitably purchase a car, real estate, or simply receive money in cash to solve your problems.

A mortgage loan from Tinkoff Bank is offered at an installment interest rate of 10.9%. An application for a large loan can be submitted directly on the corporate website, and the loan request will be simultaneously processed by several partners of Tinkoff Bank. The client will receive all available banking offers, from which he will be able to choose the most attractive and profitable.

Tinkoff Bank card products: profitable cash loans

Card banking products are the most common and widespread. Banks try to offer clients convenient conditions focused on certain goals. As a rule, one of the card products offered in the package is universal.

The Tinkoff Platinum card is the most common and profitable universal card product of Tinkoff Bank. This card allows you to withdraw money from an ATM as quickly as possible and on favorable terms at a low interest rate - for only 2.9%. Money can be received without a limit and at the bank’s cash desk during business hours, and also transferred to the current and card account of a company or individual who is planning a large purchase.

Universal credit card Tinkoff Platinum

Obtaining this card implies the possibility of using credit funds up to 300 thousand rubles. The limit amount will depend on your current income. Loans are issued only with a passport, as well as upon provision of one direct or indirect document confirming income.

The credit limit is increased by the system during the service process if the client actively uses the card to pay for services in stores. The card awards bonuses for purchases - usually 1% and up to 30% on special offers. The loan payment is about 8% and is set individually.

Topping up the card can be done in one of the convenient ways:

  • using a transfer from card or account to card;
  • replenishment through electronic kiosks (more than 300), as well as free use of ATMs of partner banks.

The Tinkoff Platinum card can be used to refinance loans from other banks. You can transfer money to another bank with a 0% payment fee and a grace period for interest-free installments of 90 days. The decision is guaranteed to be made within 5 minutes, and the courier will deliver the finished card to you within 2 days, regardless of your place of residence.

Terms and conditions for the Tinkoff Platinum credit card:

  • 300 thousand credit limit;
  • 55 days of free credit use;
  • the possibility of refinancing loans from other banks at 0% bank commission for transferring funds and a 90-day interest-free grace period;
  • when receiving cash, the interest rate is 32.9-49.9% per annum, depending on the risk, integrity and credit rating of the client;
  • 24.9-34.9% interest rate for purchases with a card. Depends on the documents provided confirming income;
  • cash withdrawal fee 290 rubles plus 2.9%;
  • one-time cost of annual maintenance;
  • convenient client-bank for laptops and mobile devices;
  • there is a loyalty program “Bravo”, Tinkoff;
  • annual service cost 590 rubles;
  • cashback program: bonuses are awarded for use in the amount of 1% of the purchase price;

How to get a cash loan from Tinkoff: step-by-step instructions

The credit limit on the card will depend on the client’s income and his confirmation of his solvency. This can be done in two ways, by providing a 2-NDFL certificate and a document of your choice. Such a document can be considered a foreign passport, which has a stamp confirming travel to foreign countries within the last 6 months.

Considering these features and the fact that Tinkoff does not increase the credit limit at the request of the client, it is better to prepare for the process of obtaining a loan in advance.

Use the following reminder:

  • Prepare your passport by checking in advance that all pasted-in photographs are included and any changes have been made.
  • Obtain from your employer a certificate confirming your income and a completed bank form from your place of work.
  • Fill out an application on the website using the following form.
  • Wait for a call from a bank specialist to confirm your personal information.
  • Receive your credit card within 2 days.

The process of obtaining a card is simplified as much as possible for the convenience of customers. The decision is made within a few minutes.

Mortgage from Tinkoff Bank

Bank Tinkoff cash loan for the purchase of mortgaged real estate can make an application not only to this bank, but also to partner banks:

  • Uralsib Bank;
  • DeltaCredit Bank;
  • Housing Finance Bank;
  • Transcapital Bank;
  • Absolut Bank;
  • Transcapital Bank, etc.

Tinkoff Bank will help you save up to 0.9% of the interest rate of another bank on mortgage loans. Transferring money to the seller's account is carried out with a minimum commission and in a minimum time, as a result, Tinkoff Bank clients can buy real estate on very favorable terms.

Other card products

Tinkoff Bank offers a variety of card products aimed at remote shopping on the Internet, for example:

  • card for purchases on Aliexpress (profitable cashback);
  • card for purchases in all online stores (profitable cashback);
  • a card for purchases with a cashback tool can be used in Kanobu, Kalina, Lamoda, etc.

Each card product allows you to withdraw money in cash and use it as part of a consumer loan. Registration is as fast and convenient as possible.

Tinkoff Bank provides cash loans using a remote service that is actively developing. Flexible conditions for clients mean receiving a loan without refusal.

Its activities bank Tinkoff Credit Systems started relatively recently, namely in 2007. Over the past time, this financial institution has been able not only to acquire a huge number of clients in different cities (more than 2 million people), but also to become one of the most popular banks in the CIS countries. The reason for this is high-quality customer service, as well as participation in the “Deposit Insurance” system, which guarantees the safety of the money of each client of this bank, regardless of the situation.
To date, the number of new clients of this bank is increasing in arithmetic progression due to the most favorable conditions, both for bank depositors and those people who plan take a loan for various needs. To submit an application in "Tinkoff" The bank just needs to go to the website to fill out several fields, indicating your phone number and other personal information. Immediately after submitting your application, one of the managers will call you back and answer all your questions. By the way, today Tinkoff Bank allows you to apply for a credit card directly online, get a mortgage, take out a consumer loan or open a deposit, and also get a debit card. Thus, everyone has access to the full range of services provided by the bank.

One of the features of the work Tinkoff Credit Systems is the possibility of obtaining credit card for up to 300 thousand rubles, and there is also the possibility of expanding it up to 2 million rubles. Such a card can be an excellent solution for those who urgently need large quantities of money or will simply serve as an emergency reserve for various occasions.

Compared to many other banks, "Tinkoff" offers interest-free lending for a certain period. This is a great opportunity for those who want to save money. But the interest rate in this bank is also low, which attracts a large number of customers. In addition, the bank Tinkoff Credit Systems offers a unique solution - an individual tariff, which is selected based on the data you provide and allows you not to overpay extra money when taking out a loan. Moreover, you can order a credit card from the age of 18 and receive it completely free of charge with home delivery to any region of the Russian Federation.
Likewise, bank Tinkoff Credit Systems allows you to increase your initial capital by opening deposit on the most favorable terms. The terms of deposits range from 3 to 36 months with the possibility of replenishment and early closure of your deposit. Interest rates vary depending on the currency, but in any case they are among the most favorable among other banks. Besides interest on deposits Tinkoff Bank pays every month, which is very convenient for clients.