Earning money from autosurfing. Withdrawing money from eBesucher

Surfing is one of the most common ways to make money online. It gained wide popularity due to its simplicity. All you have to do is click on the links, and for this the employee is paid, albeit small, money. Over time, cunning people began to think that making money from surfing could be automated. For this purpose, many autoclicker programs were created that took on all the work. But it is not at all necessary to use them anymore (and even undesirable, because most active advertising services block users for using such software). There are projects that are designed to view advertising sites in a fully automatic mode. How do they work? Why is making money on autosurfing legal? What are the prospects for development on such resources? Where and how much can you earn using this method? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

The principle of making money on autosurfing

Autosurfing services are designed for website promotion. Most of them work like this: registered users add their sites to the directory, and then start autosurfing and mutually increase each other’s traffic. For each visit, a project participant is given points, which can then be spent on advertising. Those who have not added anything to the catalog themselves can view sites and receive points. The points you receive can be exchanged for real money, which makes it possible to earn money. However, sometimes the system immediately pays the user real money for views. There are services where the ability to convert points into money is not provided, and they can only be spent on advertising.

Well, this information is enough to get you up to speed. Let's bring more specifics to the story and briefly look at several projects for autosurfing.


One of the oldest projects for autosurfing. It was launched in 2002 and is still operating, consistently paying out money to users.

The site interface looks quite old-fashioned and can be intimidating with its complex structure. In fact, it is very easy to start working here. To display advertising, Ebesucher uses geotargeting (determining the user’s location in order to provide him with offers related to his region), as well as the data specified in the questionnaire. In order for the system to show you the maximum of available sites, you must correctly fill in your information. After logging into the site, you will be in the “User Area” section. Here you will need to select the “Autosurfing & Clicks” subsection. In the menu that appears, click on the “Settings” item to proceed to editing your profile.


IN do you want earn money in Internet?

Yes! I almost forgot to tell you about one small but important factor. Not all admins are honest and pay money... And to our general regret, such non-paying sites are 95 percent of the 90 that were written about just above...

E There are still honest and quite decent and conscientious click sites (for example, Vipip.ru, which has been proven over the years - I’ve been in it for 6 years, there are many ways to make money, including fully automatic), on which you can sometimes click, if only for the sake of interest to find out what new miracles of huge, and most importantly easy and fast, earnings were invented by the “millionaire experts” from the Internet space. But here we will not talk about click sites. Although, no matter how you look at it, you can’t escape the clicking at all. We will touch on this point, but this is not the main thing. I'm not even talking about the huge number of different financial pyramids that offer to make almost a whole million out of a meager amount. Never even think about participatingsuch a waste of time. Most likely, you will not even be able to return your hard-earned money invested there. Although... however, it's up to you. I simply advise that you do not repeat the mistakes that many (including myself) have suffered through.
Don't you like all this? Me too. Personally, I would prefer to do nothing and still make quite a decent living. Well, or do as little as possible, and earn as much as possible and it is desirable that the money is earned completely automatically. This is my very arrogant desire, however, I am 100% sure that
you wouldn’t mind finding such an opportunity for yourself.

TO Of course, there are such ways. For example, one of these ways is to participate in the so-called HYIP Funds (high-yield investments on the Internet), but here you will not learn anything about it, especially since this method is similar to a lottery (or some other gambling game) in essence, You can lose there quite easily and quickly. Well, in order to start your path to big and easy money, you need at least some money to start, in order to invest it, and this money needs to be earned, at least in the same PTC-SARs.

Remember once and for all- automatic bonus collectors do not exist at all (and even if someone wrote such a miracle program, no one will ever sell it to you in their life, or even hint about its existence. After all, having such a program it would be very stupid to talk about it or even sell it, it’s easier to slowly earn money yourself and keep quiet).

Although think for yourself... I'm just warning you and that's all.

L Personally, I am more attracted to the following picture. The computer itself, while it is turned on and online, earns me money, and this all happens while I am doing my usual things at the computer: watching movies, working, or downloading something. In short, all this is called very simply - " making money on autosurfing". You will probably say that such freebies do not exist and you will be very mistaken. They do exist. Earnings here are also associated with viewing sites, but unlike click sponsors, you don’t need to click at all. Launch the autosurfing program and go about your business.

Actually, in order to convey to you information about one such sponsor ( eBesucher.de or eBesucher.ru ) and the page you are reading now was created.I want to warn you in advance that you will not earn millions, hundreds of thousands, or just hundreds of dollars a month here, but you will still earn money for expenses such as paying for the Internet, mobile communications, and some purchases or payments on the Internet. We have to start somewhere.

And one more use of the service... Using eBesucher.ru You can promote your sites yourself and for free, just like this one automatic endless surfing can bring up to 400 real visits per hour to your site.

eBesucher.ru (ebesucher.de) is a German ATS (active advertising system) where all payments are made using your own credits (points) BTP (auto-surfing) and MTP (mail). It’s easy to earn these loans, and selling them for Webmoney, AlertPay or Liberty Reserve will also not be difficult (or rather, it will not be difficult at all!). The eBesucher.de project has been operating since 2002, that is, for 15 years, and on May 9, 2011, the Russian-language version of the project was launched.

If you decide to register for eBesucher.ru, then let's get started with this very simple process.

eBesucher is a German autosurfing service that pays you to open advertisers' websites in an unnecessary browser tab! You can earn money on this project without paying anything.

doing - simply starting autosurfing and minimizing the browser - it is not necessary to look if

Of course you are not bored or you suddenly became interested in German sites that predominate there. There are also Russian sites, but why look at them?) Launch and get money!

After registration (the registration process is described below), you will have your own account on

which you will be credited with “points” for “viewed” sites. Items on eBesucher -

internal currency for mutual settlements both between users and for withdrawal.

There are two types of items on this project:

  • BTP - Points you are paid for browsing sites in autosurfing;
  • MTP - Points that pay you for reading letters.

What kind of letters are these, you ask? Paid and not cluttering up your mailbox,

so don’t worry) To receive such letters, eBesucher provides internal mail! This is where they will be delivered to you. For reading letters you will be paid from 0.8 and above

MTP routes in one letter!

Local exchange rates for eBesucher's points:

  • 100,000 BTP = 1.880 EUR
  • 100,000 MTP = 83.680 EUR

The minimum withdrawal amount from the project is 2 euros, BUT - just below I will tell you about the credit exchange

where you can sell the points earned by eBesucher starting from 6000 BTP and from 50 MTP

which significantly reduces the threshold for withdrawing the funds you have earned!

Withdrawals are possible to:

  • R-wallets Webmoney;
  • By bank transfer within the EU (European Union);
  • Paypal.
  • Translation of items to users or to another project( this is exactly what we will use when selling points on the exchange)

In addition to earning money, you can, if you wish, promote your website for what you earned

points - but this is not necessary and is mainly needed by webmasters. But there is a possibility

It’s good news - no matter how you look at it, many people need visits to their website, online store or

to the blog/forum. So maybe it will be useful to someone!

And so, the main advantages are described, the only disadvantages are the minimum withdrawal amount and

then, it can be solved by withdrawing points through the exchange, if you don’t want to wait until you get enough

2 euros) Well, now let’s move on to the registration process on the wonderful autosurfing eBesucher:

eBesucher registration process:

  • 1 - Immediately after clicking on the link “Registration on eBesucher”, you will see the following window:

* if you suddenly see it in German or English, change the language to

“Russian” in the upper right corner!

  • 2 - Click on the “Register now!” button
  • 3 - A page will open for entering your personal data necessary for registration on the project. Here she is:
  • 4 - You come up with a login and password yourself - they will be used to log in to the system, so remember them or write them down(password must be longer than 9 characters)! It is not necessary to enter reliable data regarding your Last Name and First Name, no one is checking you - I did not enter my last name and first name at all, the main thing is to write them separated by a space! The main thing you need to indicate exactly is your location, namely your country and your postal code (you can google any postal code and enter it there - the main thing is that it is from your city)! You can generally write the street and house number as I do - “street”). You must specify exactly for successful registration, because... Your IP address is being checked. Your IP address is used for the operation of the system, namely an additional function when an advertiser places a site for viewing. This feature is called “Geotargeting” and is used only when the advertiser wants his site to be viewed only by certain countries. For example, the site is in French and the advertiser wants his site to be viewed only by French-speaking countries - there is no point in showing the site to, for example, residents of Uzbekistan).
  • 4 - After entering your data, make sure the checkbox is checked “I have read the project rules and agree with them." installed. Enter the “captcha” (observe the capitalization) and click “Register for free”. If you made a mistake when entering data, the system will indicate the error to you - correct it and click “Register for free”. If you did everything correctly, the following window will open:

5 - Check your mailbox - you should receive a letter with an activation code, which

You need to copy and paste into the field. After inserting the code, click the “Abschicken” button or you can follow the link directly from the received letter, thereby activating your account without entering the code.

Type of letter that will be sent to you by email:

  • 6 - If you did everything correctly, you will see your personal account! The block on the left - when you click on it, it will open in the next tab Your surfbar and you will start earning money! You can save it to bookmarks and open it when you need it, without logging into your account, for example, at work, launch the surf bar, and at home just go to your account on eBesucher and check how much money you have earned) The block on the right - when you click on it, it will open Your personal internal mail, which will periodically receive paid letters for reading which you will be paid! There is no need to read them - just wait until the timer at the bottom of the letter ends and follow the link or banner inside the letter!

Screenshot of your personal account after registration:

Screenshot of the autosurf panel:

That's all! This completes the registration process!

Additionally, you can download eBesucher Restarter by selecting “Visitor Exchange” in the menu ->

-> “Surf panel”. Convenient program - it reloads the browser if the surf bar

suddenly froze. Although my surfboard works for days at work and so far I have only restarted it once). Well, now you can earn points and wait until you reach 2 euros or read on!

How to withdraw points by selling credits on the exchange?

To begin with, you need to set the eBesucher password in the settings of your user account

for external operations!

Remember it or write it down - you will need it for any withdrawal/receipt of points from your eBesucher account. The screenshot shows where it can be set:

By setting a password, you can “go” to the credit exchange! The loan exchange is located

By . On this exchange, eBesucher points are exchanged for Webmoney title units (starting from 6000 BTP or 50 MTP), as well as for QIWI wallets (starting from 100 rubles).

Process of withdrawing items:

  • Enter the required number of BTP points (if you need to sell MTP, select “Sell MTP” in the menu);
  • Enter your eBesucher login;
  • Enter your password for external operations;
  • Choose where you will make the withdrawal;
  • Enter your wallet number, or phone number if you are withdrawing to QIWI;
  • Check the box next to “I accept the agreements and terms of service”;
  • Click the “Sell” button!

On Webmoney, money comes instantly!

Here are screenshots describing all withdrawal actions in order:

I don’t know about QIWI because... I didn’t take it there, but I think it’s also immediate! Finally

I would like to say that eBesucher has a two-level system, which cannot help but

delight and which can increase your income tens/hundreds of times! In the next article I will tell you about another autosurf

and also German, and just like him Maybe work together with eBesucher

and earn BTP points for your newly created account. That's all for now!

Good luck making money on the Internet!

It's no secret that eBesucher.ru is a German organization; accordingly, the vast majority of advertisers are located in the European part of the continent. Many European webmasters, when promoting their sites, indicate the regions in which they need to display their site. They are not interested in traffic from Eastern Europe. Therefore, they limit the regions to Western Europe. Knowing this information, it’s not difficult to guess that we need to replace our external IP address with a Western European one so that we pass for traffic consumers. I would recommend targeting German addresses specifically.

How to do this? I'll tell you several ways

1. Use a proxy server for surfing.

First you need to find a good database of current servers. I use the site:

Choose the proxy you like with good Uptime, Speed ​​and Latency.

  • Now there are several options for connecting this proxy:

  • Connect directly in the browser. For FireFox (version 42+) select “Tools” -> “Settings”. Select the “Advanced” -> “Network” tab. Click the configure button

  • In the window that appears, check the “Manual configuration of proxy service” checkbox:
  • In the specified field, enter the IP address of the proxy server and the connection port.

You can surf

  • Method for connecting Proxy directly in the OS (Windows 7). Starting from Windows XP, this setting is performed in the same way.

  • Go to “Start” -> “Control Panel”. And find there “Internet Options”

In the window that appears, tab “Connections” -> “Network settings”

One of the best European autosurfing sites for making money on the Internet with points.

This autosurf works on full autopilot and does not require any of your participation, just pin the tab and it will automatically connect when you launch Mozilla.

It is best to use the Mozilla browser, as it is more reliable and convenient.

The site uses two types of points (i.e. credits) Btp for autosurfing and Mtp for reading letters.

“New registration”, clicking on which you will see a small form to fill out.

We fill everything out carefully:

Username: - indicate your login here.
-Password: -Create and remember a password to log into your account.
-Speech: - your gender. "Mr." or "Madam."
-Full name: - First and Last name.

Date of birth: - insert your date of birth here.
-Country: - the country where you live.
-Postal code: - enter the postal code.
-City: - the city in which you live.
-Street, house number: - street and house number.
-Email address: - enter your real email address here.
-Fill in the field under the captcha with the symbols indicated on it.
-Put a tick next to the words: “I have read the project rules and agree with them.”

Click on the button with the word “Submit”.

You will be taken to the next page where you will see a field available for filling.

Activation code: - here you will need to enter the code that was sent to your mailbox.
and click "Submit".

After this, a second letter with your username and password will be sent to your mailbox.

That's it, registration is finished!

After entering your login and password, you will be taken to the main page of your account.

You will see that the page is divided into two halves:

On the left is "Visitor Exchange"

OPEN SURFING - start auto-surfing (when you go you will be taken to a page where you will be asked to enter your username and password, only after that auto-surfing will start in a new tab)
Balance - how many BTP credits are in the account
In the safe - how many BTP credits are in the safe
New page - add site to surfing
Management - managing your sites
Statistics - statistics on earning BTP credits
Text links - adding a link in the surfbar

You will need to follow the "Settings" link (located in the "Visitor Exchange" menu) and in the Surf panel is in turbo mode - set "active: up to 384 points per hour". Then check the three boxes and click “Change data”.

Your normal password (does not change): - enter the current account password here.

New ST password: - create a password.

Click "Change!"

For greater security, your account has a “Safe” where you can put your earnings and from where you cannot withdraw credits, even if you know the correct “ST-Passwort”. To enter it you need to follow the “Safe” link in the “Items” menu.

The entire process of browsing sites takes place in the browser; this sponsor provides its own software, which will monitor the surfing itself and, in case of problems, automatically restart the browser. Read how to install and run the program here.

After this, find in the menu of your eBesucher.ru account, the “Program” sub-item in the “Visitor Exchange” menu.

On the page you will see red text, and immediately below it a line with a random set of letters and numbers highlighted in bold black font - this is the password to launch Restarter.

Actually, the installation itself is no different from the usual installation of any other software.

Now we proceed to launch. At the second stage after launch, enter your login in the first field and the password described above in the second field. Next, select the browser with which the program will work and click the “Save” button.

Next you will see the program itself, look at the timer (in the lower right corner of the program), and wait until it reaches zero, don’t press anything, a small window will pop up from the tray, don’t do anything. After this, we wait for the last window called “PsKill License Agreement” to appear and agree by clicking on the “Agree” button.

We wait about another minute (those who are impatient can click the “Launch surfbar” button directly in the “eBesucher Restarter” program), the browser will automatically launch and open the eBesucher.de website. Here you will need to enter your username and password, but the password is not from the program, but the password you enter to log into your eBesucher.ru account.

After this, auto-surfing will start, and the program will make sure that it does not stop. Also, the display of images must be enabled in the browser, otherwise problems may arise with earning credits.

Interests - interest settings (letters on what topics you want to receive).

Languages ​​- languages ​​of letters (in which languages ​​do you want to receive letters).

You should not have any problems with the settings of the very first section “Delivery” and click the “Submit” button.

After that, go to the "Interests" section, check all the boxes and click the "Submit" button.

Go to the last section “Languages” and check all the boxes and click the “Submit” button.

We're done with the settings, now I'll explain how to read letters.

If you read letters from your email inbox, then you just need to open the incoming letter and wait a while until at the very end of the letter, after the words “Status der Mail:” and the running line, a picture appears with the words “Mail bestatigt!” on a green background (note that the display of pictures must be turned on, otherwise you will not see the result). If you see the picture, then everything is in order and you have received credits.

When you click on the “OPEN INBOX” link (on the main page of your account), you will be taken to the internal mailbox. There you will see letters, and unread ones will be highlighted in bolder font. You need to open letters by double-clicking on the letter.

Exchange eBesucher credits for money (withdrawal).

You can instantly, in a fully automatic mode, sell or buy both Btp and Mtp loans without any problems on the website http://lose4.ru/ru/handel/eb-verkauf. Reviews of the site’s operation are here.

At the moment, on the site you can exchange the Btp (or Mtp) credits you have earned for:

Webmoney: - Wmz,Wme,Wmr.
AlertPay: - Usd,Eur.
Liberty Reserve: - Usd,Eur.

Let's look at an example of exchanging Btp credits for Webmoney Wmz.

Fill in the following points:

Amount of BTP - the number of credits must be at least 5000 Btp.

Benutzername - Your nickname (login) on eBesucher.
ST-Password - Your password for operations with loans. To create it, go to the “Password for external operations” link in the “User Data” menu of your eBesucher account and fill out the following fields in the form:
Your usual password (does not change) - enter the current one here. account password.

New ST-password - come up with a new ST-Passwort password.

Check the WMZ item - to the left of the WebMoney logo.
Enter WMZ wallet - the number of your Wmz wallet
We tick your agreement with the rules - you can even read them.
We press the “Sell” button - provided that we have not made a mistake anywhere, we instantly receive WebMoney to our dollar wallet.
Mtp loans are also sold in the same way.

It will be possible to sell credits only after 7 days have passed after your registration on the eBesucher website!

If you have any questions about registration or how to work on this project, please contact us on Skype Rinat Fattachov or write to email [email protected] I will answer all your questions.